Inspired by the pandemics-clothes question & starting a spring cleaning.
Are walk-in wardrobes or special rooms for clothes common in your country? Do you fix your clothing if it gets a tear/hole or throw it away? What do you do with items that no longer fit you? Is it common to feel like you have to wear a new outfit at every event?

I currently have:

* 20 T-shirts/tops + 2 dress shirts I haven’t worn for 5+ years
* 11 long-sleeved / knitted tops
* 9 hoodies/cardigans/sweaters + 1 formal blazer thingy I also haven’t worn for ages
* 7 dresses
* 3 pairs of jeans + 1 pair of sport leggings + 1 pair of harem pants for homewear
* 2 pairs of shorts
* 2 skirts
* 1 onesie

That 60 items to clothe just one human (excluding socks, undies, tights, sleepwear, outdoor top-coats). Seems a bit wasteful, though our climate also causes some of that. And my mum giving me stuff, too.

Additionally I have kept a few items that are extremely worn and repaired and are used for very dirty works around the house/yard (\~5 things).

Over here, walk-in wardrobes are getting more and more common, though are far from the mainstream. If stuff breaks, I sometimes try to fix it (tears at seams) and sometimes unfortunately throw them away (jeans eating away at inner thigh area, worn out socks). Some stuff gets re-used as cloth for rags or handycraft stuff. Items that I don’t like or that don’t fit are taken to a second-hand stores admissions or to a clothing collection point.

  1. I have no idea how many clothes I have, but it’s a good few. Anything that no longer fits but is serviceable, I donate, along with whatever’s torn or worn out. The Red Cross clothes collection center separates what can be worn from the rest and recycles the rest.

  2. I have absolutely no clue how much, but it’s a lot. Dresses are probably the clothing item I own the most of and that’s at least 100. Maybe 120 even. 50 shirts for sure, 10 jeans and so on. I have three wardrobes completely filled and then some is stored in boxes as well.

    I don’t think I’ve ever thrown clothes out. Some of that stuff is still from when I was a 15-year-old. If something breaks I either give it to my dad or my friend so they can fix it. If something breaks in a way that can’t be fixed my dad uses them as rags in the garage. I don’t throw stuff out that doesn’t fit me anymore in case I gain weight.

  3. Not much.

    5 blouses

    3 tops

    4 dresses

    3 skirts

    1 pair of pants

    1 pair of leggings

    1 hoddie

    + broken beyond repair/stained that I wear around the house and garden, never in public.

    I fix my clothes as much as possible, I even made them and yes, the thigh thing is why I mostly wear dresses and skirts.

  4. I didn’t have a clue about style growing up, so most of my clothes that are from my teens/early twenties aren’t being used. I’m talking hoodies and printed tees, which I probably shouldn’t wear in public now that I’m in my 30s. I’m trying to rebuild my wardrobe so that it more fits a grown up man. Going for quality timeless items this time around.

    If I counted all the items of clothing I have, I’d probably have North of 60 tees, 20 shirts, 10 pants, 10 sweaters, 3 suits (only one of which fits) before starting to count all the other items such as jackets, gloves, scarves, hats etc. There’s snowboard gear, skiing gear, hiking gear, hunting gear, rain gear and various military uniforms.

    I kinda wanna pack up all the stuff that I don’t use, but currently (as in the last 3 years) they’ve just been relagated to the pile in the back of the wardrobe, and I’m just using the front pile.

    As for stuff that breaks, it’s usually my favourite stuff that breaks since I use it so much. Like my woolen jacket that I’ve had for a decade, the insides are just a mess of torn silk and the buttons keep falling off. I would like to have it repaired, but I suppose it would be more expensive than what I originally paid for it on sale. The buttons I can manage to fix, but the lining is another matter. I wouldn’t even know of anyone that repairs stuff like that, our culture has grown to toss stuff away instead of repairing it which is a shame.

  5. It’s a bit of an estimate, cause I’m too lazy to actually count them, but I currently have:

    * 20 button-up and button-down shirts (most are casual, but there are a few formal ones in there)
    * 3 knitted jumpers, including two turtlenecks
    * 5 hoodies, one of which I’d actually wear outside
    * 4 pairs of jeans
    * 4 pairs of shorts
    * 2 sweatpants
    * 2 suits

    >Do you fix your clothing if it gets a tear/hole or throw it away?

    I always try to fix them first, but if they are beyond repair I’ll throw them in the clothes recycling bin.

    >What do you do with items that no longer fit you?

    I usually bring them to the local thrift shop.

    >Is it common to feel like you have to wear a new outfit at every event?

    I think this can differ a lot between people, but personally I don’t really feel that. It would be odd if you wore the exact same outfit at every party or whatever, but you can just remedy that by mixing and matching stuff from your existing wardrobe.

  6. I don’t have a specific number in my head, but I have a LOT of t-shirts and a few pairs of jeans. I have 2 suits, some gym clothes, etc.

    I have a seamstress in my street and she does a good job. I usually have pants hemmed, sometimes if the crotch rips or something. Mostly jeans.

    For socks and underwear, I toss ’em if they rip or get worn out.

    If clothes are in decent shape and I just don’t like them anymore (or they’re too big/small), they go into a big garbage bag and off to the charity shop donation bin.

  7. I don’t know the amount per clothing item but in general I don’t have a lot of possessions and clothes are no different. I’ve only got a few pairs of trousers, shorts and sweaters, and maybe about 10 t-shirts, 3 button up shirts, 2 jackets and a suit. One pair of sneakers, one pair running shoes, two pairs formal shoes and one pair of combat boots.

    My girlfriend knows how to fix and alter clothes so I usually go to her if I need something done, or if the item is salvageable.

    Items that no longer fit me are either repurposed or donated and I don’t feel the need to buy a new outfit for every occasion

  8. I’ve got a regular ol’ cabinet or what’s it called in English… A *Kleiderschrank*.

    In it are 9 shirts with buttons, two of which more fancy, three others short-sleeved for summer;

    A blazer;

    5 T-shirts for regular outside use;

    4 comfy, old T-shirts for inside use;

    3 T-shirts to use as pyjamas;

    3 hoodies;

    5 pullovers;

    4 pairs of shorts;

    5 pairs of trousers (blue jeans and chinos);

    2 pairs of trousers for hanging around indoors;

    1 Sarong (very nice on hot days)

    About 20 pairs of underwear;

    About 20 pairs of socks;

    1 pair of nice shoes;

    1 pair of regular shoes;

    1 pair of comfy sneakers;

    1 pair of hiking boots;

    2 pairs of flipflops;

    2 pairs of swim trunks;

    Some ties and belts;

    And then some clothes that I don’t really use, but have lying around in that Schrank. Also, some where I’m emotionally attached to, such as T-shirts from events.

    When I don’t need or like them, I donate them to the thrift shop or the textile recycling. For torn underwear and socks, I just put them into the rubbish.

    I’m not too bad at sewing, so I sometimes mend my socks or re-attach buttons to my coat once in a while.

  9. I buy a lot of clothes as fashion is a bit of a hobby for me. Last I counted I had around 30 jumpers / sweatshirts / hoodies and my collection has definitely increased since then. I don’t have as many trousers but i keep them as a wardrobe staple so I have plenty of top half bits to mix and match my outfits. I buy a new dress for most special occasions.

    People ask if I genuinely wear everything I own and yes, yes I do wear it over the course of a year with the exception of snow proof clothes and some summer stuff that’s for wearing abroad and not in the UK.

    If I don’t want something anymore I sell it or donate it. I have a walk in wardrobe which is always bursting open & a chest of drawers.

  10. I have quite a few clothes, but when they get a hole, if its small i just take it to my mom to sew it back but if its bigger it either goes to the trash or becomes an at home piece of clothing. If clothes are too small I either resell them on vinted or just give away to friends/family. I store them in 2 shelves and one wardrobe.
    They consist of around 5 hoodies, 10 tshirts, 10 pairs of pants and shorts, a couple dresses and a few flannels

  11. No idea.

    One closet, one rack for jackets and coats.

    Stitch it up if I really want to keep it, otherwise throw it away. If it’s shirt, it goes for rags.

  12. Lower body:

    * 2 or 3 pairs of jeans

    * 3 pairs of swimming shorts

    * 3 pairs of normal shorts

    * 2 pairs of climbing trousers

    * 3 pairs of outdoor/walking trousers

    * 3 pairs of trackies

    Upper body:

    * 3 hoodies

    * No idea how many t-shirts, varying from half decent ones down to t-shirts only suitable for work

    * Around 12 jackets of different types – waterproofs, down, “going out” etc.

    * 3 informal shirts

    * 1 fleece

    Sports gear:

    * 2 wetsuits, 1 long, 1 short
    * Kayaking cag
    * Snowboarding trousers

    Formal clothes:

    * Kilt outfit
    * 2 suits

    Also the usual socks/underwear/gloves etc. mix

    >Are walk-in wardrobes or special rooms for clothes common in your country?

    I know a couple of people with them, they’re childless couples with 3 or 4 bedroom houses so they’re just making the most of their unused bedrooms.

    > Do you fix your clothing if it gets a tear/hole or throw it away?

    I try to fix stuff if it’s worth fixing, but I’m useless at fixing my most common issue (the crotch of jeans starting to fray)

    > What do you do with items that no longer fit you?

    I’ve been much the same size for about 14 years now!

    >Is it common to feel like you have to wear a new outfit at every event?

    For me, no, but other people disagree it would seem. I’ve got three weddings from the same friend group this year; my partner claims she can’t wear the same dress to any of them, meanwhile I’ll be wearing the same kilt to all three.

    Edit: Forgot about three motorbike jackets and two pairs of motorbike trousers

  13. Without actually counting:

    * 25-30 T-Shirts
    * 15-20 button-down shirts (including dress-shirts)
    * 10 sweaters, hoodies etc.
    * 5 pairs of jeans
    * 5 pairs of shorts
    * 3 suits (+ 2 additional blazers)
    * a mountain of sports clothes (shorts, shirts, longsleeves, jerseys…)

    I sort through it at least once a year and give away the stuff I don’t need, so with the exception of some specialty items (bowtie, long underwear, balaclava…) this is all stuff I wear semi-regularly.

  14. 1 jeans

    1 sweatpants

    1 shoe (adidas sneaker)

    1 shoe (croc)

    47 T-shirts (black with orange adidas logo)

    3 glasses (1 work glasses, 1 sunglasses, 1 special glasses)

    173 pairs of socks (4 pairs with no hole)

    2 black hoodies

    1 black soft shell jacket

    1 suit ( undersized, last used 7 years ago on my prom)

    1 beige boxers

    That’s all folks!!!! =-D

  15. I don’t know the exact number by heart, but recently I’ve been trying to be more minimalist with my wardrobe. I no longer grab specific items which I’d only wear in certain occasions, instead I try to buy stuff that’s versatile. A versatile range of items, as well as colours/shades.

  16. I don’t know exactly, so these are guesstimates: 20 t-shirts, 3 polos, 2 dress shirts, 1 suit, 2 coats, 3 hoodies, 2 sweatshirts, 4 jeans, 4 shorts, 2 skirts, 1 fancy dress, 2 summer dresses, 2 pairs of shoes, 1 pair of fancy shoes, 1 pair of sandals

    I keep it all in a normal wardrobe

    Regarding breaking or not fitting, it depends on the conditions. If I gained some weight but expect to lose it, I’ll obviously keep it around. If it’s an old shirt or something I stumble across that simply doesn’t fit, I’ll usually give it to my younger cousin. If she doesn’t want it, I’ll drop it by a thrift shop. If the “break” is just a small hole or a small spot or something, I’ll use it for days where I don’t expect to meet anyone or just chilling at home. If it’s actually ruined (which hasn’t happened since I was a child) I’ll probably drop it in one of those containers for recycling clothes

  17. Oh god. I wouldn’t even dare to try and count them, I have tons of clothes. Probably a good 3-400 pieces in total? I have to have clothes for every possible kind of weather and all kinds of formality levels, and I do like to have variety so I can dress to whatever style mood I’m in. Same thing goes for shoes.

    I keep everything as long as I can, take very good care of them and mend or alter until it’s not possible anymore. If it’s something I truly don’t want to keep, if it’s in good shape I will donate or exchange with friends. If it has damage, I usually collect them until I have a bag full to bring to H&M’s recycling program (which doesn’t seem to be so great so I have been looking for an alternative). Sometimes I take them apart for scrap fabric and rags.

  18. * 40+ plain t-shirts
    * 4 pairs of jeans; 2 pairs of non-denim pants; 4 belts
    * 5 pairs of shorts
    * 2 dress shirts and 5 casual short-sleeved nerd shirts
    * 1 suit and 1 pair of dress shoes
    * 30+ pairs of running socks; ~10 pairs of funny long socks
    * 9 sweaters, 2 hoodies
    * 2 pairs of sweatpants, 2 pairs of sport shorts
    * 3 pairs of sneakers; 2 pairs of winter boots
    * 1 full cycling ensemble, cycling jacket, 4 pairs of cycling socks

  19. When it doesn’t fit or I don’t like the style anymore, I donate it. If it’s too worn out or broke, I take it to the recycling centre.

    I currently have
    3 pairs of jeans
    1 pair of nice leggings
    9 tops
    4 sweatshirts/hoodie
    5 jumpers
    3 cardigans/ kimono-like layers
    7 jackets/ overcoat
    10 pairs of shoes

    This excludes sports clothing, my working polos and pyjamas.

  20. I have:

    – 3 pairs of jeans

    – 1 pair of shorts

    – 1 pair of sweatpants

    – 5 pairs of leggings

    – 8 jumpers

    – 20 t-shirts

    – 5 cardigans

    – 5 dresses

    If t-shirts, jumpers or leggings get holey, I use them as pajamas until they’re completely unwearable, then they go to the textile recycling place.

    With jeans, depending on where they’re damaged, I either patch them e.g. thighs, most people don’t really look there and if you use a similar colour material they’d have to be looking to notice, or I make them into shorts (which is where my only pair of shorts came from).

    I wear dresses so rarely, heatwaves and events only, that they’ll almost certainly be donated and will never get damaged in their life with me.

    If clothes don’t fit, I donate them or take them to the textile recycling.

  21. Too much. I have different sets of clothes for different seasons. I have different sets of clothes for work and “home” and exercise and hiking/camping.

    I’ve donated a lot of stuff recently because I lost enough weight to need new stuff.

  22. 5 sweaters

    3 on size made 3 piece suits.

    9 shorts

    11 jeans

    Couple of T-shirts

    And the basic underwear

    6 pairs of shoes matching my suits and 3 pair of casual shoes

    Depending on the clothes and the damage, some go in the underground bin for people who cant afford em. Some just end up in trash, shoes are sold again or also in the underground bin depending on the shoes. As soon as i dont fit em, they are damaged too bad or too stained. I get rid of them.

  23. I cannot even count my stuff, it’s so many items. I love thrifting and always buy new pieces lol. All my stuff is kept in drawers, rolled up, sorted by colors. They get ironed when used. This is unusual though I guess as most people use wardrobes and iron their stuff before putting it away. If something has a minor problem like a hole or a broken seam I fix it myself. Clothes that don’t fit? About 4 years ago I donated my entire wardrobe to charity because of weight loss. Old, used, or discolored stuff first turns into a pajama or “worn to be at home stuff”, then into a rag, then trash.

  24. Let’s see:

    4 polo’s

    10 t-shirts

    5 shirts

    5 pair of jeans

    3 pair of shorts

    3 hoodies

    1 suit

    1 tracksuit

    1 kilt

    (I’m not mentioning my clothes for Carnaval, I buy 1 thing most years and add it to the collection.

  25. Roughly, I’d say I have around 12 t-shirts, 4 pairs of jeans, 2 chino pants, 2 sport shorts, 3 sweatpants, 5 hoodies, 1 suit + 1 extra blazer alone, 5 blouses, 4 pullovers, 7 sweatshirts, 2 denim jackets, 2 winter coats, 4 pairs of sneakers, 2 of more formal shoes.

    My mom usually offers to repair damaged clothes, but if it’s too much work I just go to a tailor.

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