So I’m a 34M and within the past few weeks I’ve had two different women show interest, initiate the # exchange and then at some point ask the question “what’s your sign?” Both have immediately heard what sign I am and have said “I can’t deal with _________” and immediately stop talking to me.

I see it as a dodged bullet because I don’t want to be with anyone who makes snap judgments like that, but I seriously am shocked this is a thing. Also people who won’t talk to someone if they don’t also have an iPhone seems to be a thing too….weird.

Curious to see if there’s a perspective here I’m missing. I know some stuff about Astrology and think it’s fun to discuss but I by no means will ever completely rule out or judge someone based on that alone.

Any insight is appreciated.

I was going to leave it out but I’m a Scorpio btw and I’m aware of the bad reputation we have šŸ™„.

  1. Please tell me your making this up. Are they really getting so many matches that this is an acceptable filter for them?

  2. Like you said, you dodged a bullet. Same with the ones who are into the healing crystals and all that jazz. Leave it at that, canā€™t control how they live their lives. Just focus on enjoying yours and finding someone who vibes better with you.

  3. If they seriously make their life decisions based on astrology and you don’t take astrology that seriously (A good thing imo), then you weren’t compatible. They filtered themselves out. Be grateful.

    The iPhone thing has me a bit perplexed…seriously? Where are you finding these people?

  4. People are crazy, this is why you shouldn’t take rejection seriously on OLD, unless you start to see a pattern, it’s safe to assume it’s them, not you.

  5. Dang I heard about the iPhone thing among teenagers but for this age range too?! I love my Samsung flip and don’t care for the blue bubble text thing.
    Seriously dodged a bullet. Besides, you’re more than just that sign. You have your Sun sign, Rising sign, Moon sign, etc. Should ask which sign they’re asking for to mess with them.

  6. As an Aquarius with 2 Android phones (Samsung and… Sony), I laugh maniacally at this and feel like adding it unapologetically to my future profiles.

  7. There is no perspective you are missing. I get feeling confused in dating when unusual things happen in patterns, but this is nothing more than coincidence.

  8. You dodged a bullet.
    Individuals who uses astrology for match making and communication usually lack ability to hold adult communication. They at times engage in magical thinking and this is a red flag

  9. 31F. I don’t even know what to say to this besides “what the hell” but I agree, bullet dodged. I’m thinking back on all the kooky personalities I’ve dated off OLD because I wanted to stay open minded, and there’s people out there rejecting guys based on their birthdays.

  10. I laughed out loud when I got to the ā€œI canā€™t deal with ______ā€ and immediately stop talking to me part. Dating is an absolute dumpster fire at the moment. You dodged two bullets, this is ridiculous.

  11. “I was born in [whatever month] so I’m a caprisun”


    Looking them dead in the eye, tell them your sign but mispronounce it deliberately.


    ask them why they wanna know

  12. Clearly he’s a Scorpio. šŸ¤£

    Edit- I swear I didn’t read to the end. Also my brother is a Scorpio and he is the best person I know. So fuck those people.

  13. Both my Mum and step Dad are intense Scorpios, and their intense-ness suits each other and their relationship perfectly. Flip the switch on these astrology girls and say ā€œI donā€™t think you, as a *insert whatever sign they are here*, can handle my intensity as a Scorpioā€¦..
    and see what happens. Why not. Haha

  14. Wait Iā€™m a Scorpio too – what reputation?!?!?!

    Not that I believe in this but I am curious

  15. Wow I only ask this for fun, I didnā€™t realize some people actually have this as a dealbreaker šŸ˜³

  16. Astrology is not that different from religion and people make life altering decisions based on that. At least there is a fun aspect to astrology. I think both are bunk.

  17. I would comment on this, but mercury is in retrograde so I have to brew a potion before sunrise instead. #JustSagittariusThings

  18. Scorpios are super hot, every Scorpio Iā€™ve known male or female has had an intense sex appeal. keep looking. Youā€™ll find a great match!

  19. I mean, some people believe the earth is flat, too, and itā€™s probably best to avoid those ones, too. (As a Scorpio rising, Iā€™m also personally offended on your behalf šŸ˜‚).

  20. I had a woman explicitly tell me she wouldn’t date me long term because her ex was a Pisces and broke her heart. Like WTF?! We’re not all the same šŸ˜¢

  21. I knew before reading whole post it was gonna be Scorpio. LOL, such a bad rep.
    I fall into the middle ground of finding the personality coincidences I see in friends family of same sign interesting, and thinking it’s totally bs. I am anti-apple, but you do you.

    Definitely bullet dodged. Too sexy for those signs (so sexy it hurts)

    I’m a Pisces and have always read water signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are most compatible with each other. I have a astrology geek friend that is a Leo, and she talks about Scorpios like she’s scared of them.

    I’m kinda into a Scorpio dude right now. So I’m a bit swayed.

  22. Donā€™t even get me started on ā€œwhatā€™s your sign?ā€ nonsense. I will answer the question but if it goes any other way than ā€œoh so you were born in x month?ā€ Or similar vagueness, Iā€™m out. Itā€™s their open invitation to judge the hell out of you before they ever even know you.

    My ā€œsignā€ means nothing about me as a unique individual who does their own thing, their own way. This is a scapegoat and nothing more.

  23. I think I would unmatch someone immediately if they asked for my star sign. You dodged a bullet!

  24. Those people are weird. You dodged a bullet.
    I never heard of people not being with someone because of their phone? It must be a social class status thing thinking that an iPhone means you can afford things? (Iā€™m guessing I have no idea)

    As for the astrology thingā€¦. You donā€™t want to be with someone who judged you for that. Thatā€™s crazy šŸ˜‚ next thing you know theyā€™re going to blame their horoscope sign for them being an asshole/ their actions. Youā€™re better off without them.

  25. As a woman I’ve had a few guys want to know my sign to see if we’re compatible. I don’t know much about astrology and don’t read into it. And have wondered if guys ask me that because they think that’s what women want to hear.

    The last guy I dated is a Scorpio and he told me the reason we were so sexually compatible is because of our signs. I didn’t read into it very much but eventually I read some stuff online and it was eerily accurate. That being said my opinion is if someone isn’t interested in meeting or dating based on your sign, I see it as their loss and your gain.

  26. Those women donā€™t know shit about astrology, point blank. Itā€™s far more complex than your sun sign and more in-depth than generalized characteristics about said sign. You dodged bullets here.

    BTW, hard swipe right from me if youā€™re a Scorpio. Yā€™all have depth and intensity that I, as an Aquarius, crave haha.

  27. I want to be open-minded but astrology is just not something I care about or understand and I don’t want to try to make sense of my personality.

  28. Personally, I would be hesitant to date a sun-scorpio but could be convinced otherwise with a compatible moon+rising sign.

    Basically, Iā€™ll need your exact birth time and location please and Iā€™ll know in five minutes if we have long-term potential. šŸ˜‚

    Seriously though, sun-signs are such a small part of the chart I would write off anyone who was like ā€œI dOnā€™T dAtE sCoRpIoSā€ because the natal chart is SO complicated, and itā€™s rooted in knowing your OWN chart very well and what it ā€œwantsā€ from relationships.

    For example, I am a gemini sun but I have a Taurus Venus and I LOVE Taurus. Taurus rules my 8th house (sex, death, taxes) and my chart is venus-ruled, so Taurus energy is catnip to me, despite Gemini and Taurus not being ā€œcompatibleā€ sun signs. I swiped right on a lot a Men who happened to be Taurus when I was active, and am dating a Taurus now.

    I have nothing on the iPhone thing.

  29. I was about to answer and then I read you’re Scorpio. I don’t interact with Scorpios on Reddit.

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