Hi, I (21m) recently broke up with my 2nd girlfriend and a while ago I got given a note from a girl who was a customer where I work, the note had her name number and asking for a coffee date, I know nothing about her apart from her name and looks so I’m not sure how to approach a date with her?

My previous only other 2 relationships were from online dating apps so I knew more than I know about this girl, I’m unsure what I am going to say to her, should I just say the usual “what do you like to do?” “what’s a day in the life of… like?” etc or do I go right into asking her age? How can I even start talking to her over text? I could message and say basically that I’m single now and I would be interested on meeting up for the coffee date but how can I follow that up rather than say” how are you” etc

I am overthinking this alot as its a first to be asked out by someone I don’t know but I’d like some input if possible please and thank you. Sorry this is long I’m overthinking

TLDR: questions to ask a girl who asked me out as a customer when I know nothing about her?

1 comment
  1. You don’t need to be more texting than to say hi and arrange a time to meet, unless it comes up naturally as part of the conversation

    Then in person, you just want to find out the important things about her, not surface level questions

    For example,
    Don’t ask what she does for work, then what she does for fun, then what music she likes etc

    But rather, ask what she does for fun, then why she enjoys doing that, and go deeper and deeper so you get to what her values are, what she wants from life etc

    This should come be able to happen pretty naturally if you just stay present to the moment and let the conversation flow

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