Do Americans drink coffee in the afternoon?

  1. Judging from the line at my local coffee shop when I get my afternoon coffee, yeah it’s pretty common.

  2. We have 330 million people. A lot of them drink coffee. Some of them drink it in the afternoon.

    I often do.

  3. If we didn’t drink coffee at all times of the day we couldn’t fuel the GDP or work the hours needed to increase shareholder value. It’s a necessity.

  4. What answer did you expect? Some do and others don’t. Personally I drink quite frequently at work. We have an automated coffee machine, also an expresso one and nice grinder. When I do it myself coffee is testier, but quite strong.

  5. I’ve known quite a few 2:30-3 PM coffee drinkers. Not uncommon in my office to see people heading up to the coffee machine at that time.

  6. Mostly depends on the person. Some people do. My parents are huge coffee drinkers and will drink coffee until 4 PM, eat dinner, and then switch to decaf after dinner

    Some people switch to decaffeinated coffee

    some people don’t drink coffee at all.

    Personally? I stop my caffeine intake after about 2:00 PM, otherwise I have trouble going to bed

  7. Probably not as diligently as most Europeans seem to, but yes there are plenty of people who do.

  8. I do not but yeah plenty of people do. I don’t really drink coffee past 10 am on my current sleep schedule lol.

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