I was making out with a guy on the third date, he pulled my hand and tried to put my hand on his crotch. I pulled away but he tried to do it again. I feel like, if I wanted to touch it I would’ve but I feel uncomfortable that he did that. Is it normal for someone to do that when making out?

  1. It’s not cool. Pulling your hand away the first time should’ve been enough. Idk how normal it is. I’ve never put somebody’s hand on my crotch

  2. Seems normal to me. Unless you said stop or looked uncomfortable, I wouldn’t know it was unwanted. Especially since when making out, it’s common to tease each other.

  3. It doesn’t matter if it’s normal or not. You didn’t feel comfortable with it and that’s all that matters.

  4. If you hadn’t reached 2nd base prior, then no that is not normal. Pulling your hand away the first time should’ve been enough. I’d be super skeptical about seeing this guy again because if he can’t take a hint with that, he won’t take hints with other things (if you know what I mean).

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