How often do you and your partner tell each-other you love each-other?

  1. My boyfriend(all pronouns) has a harder time expressing their feelings. Im more open and comfortable so i say i love you more often than her. But lately hes been more comfortable with expressing their emotions/saying i love you. Now its maybe everytime we hang out im private but she is not comfortable enough to say it in public which im 100% okay with 🙂

  2. Been with my partner 13 years now, we say it every couple of weeks or when one of us will be away for a while or when one of us is feeling really down.

    It really depends on you as a couple, some people say it daily (not for me) some people don’t ever say it but the still express the feeling in other ways.

  3. Together nearly 5 years, married for 1. We say it every day, multiple times throughout the day. We still text each other often when we’re at work too. I just like talking to him and letting him know how much I love him (and vice versa). He’s my cute little nerd stud muffin.

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