Ofcourse if I’m excited about something I remember when it’s happening but general appointments and kids school stuff etc if it doesn’t go in the calendar I will absolutely not remember.

  1. We maintain a ‘family calendar’ (just a gmail account) and it’s shared between phones. Everything goes in there so we can properly coordinate ourselves. There’s a lot of stuff like reminders for birthdays and things.

  2. I’m so cyberpunk. If I didn’t have an electronic supplement to my memory I’d be screwed.

  3. Yes, though I think of it as writing it on my calendar to get it out of my head so I don’t have to remember it.

  4. My phone calendar yes or I’ll very likely forget. A paper calendar would be no good because I’d forget to check it.

  5. Well I have ADHD and I forget everything if it’s not immediately interesting to me. It sounds funny but I promise you, it’s actually really fucking crippling, especially with a career and 3 kids to look after.

    I use a diary, a calendar, phone reminders and a whiteboard to help me but it’s still hit and miss whether I will remember.

    Luckily my family are very kind and they remind me a lot about things.

  6. I usually remember but I love a well organised calendar. I keep my own e-calendar, a paper one for myself/partner and my friends and I use an app called TimeTree so we can enter all our events and coordinate when we’re free to do things.

  7. I’ll be honest, even the calendar is no guarantee I’ll remember. It only works if I remember to check it.

    Thank god you can set up notifications

  8. I mean I could try and remember it all myself, but that seems pointless when calendars exist.

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