So this is a long story that spanned out for a few months… But I will try to keep it as concise as possible. Names have all been altered

So my friend Sarah (19 F), her crush Lucas (early 20s M), my boyfriend Dave (early 20 M), and myself (early 20s F) were all part of the same student org in college. The story started back in May. At that time, I had already confessed to Dave but he turned me down so we were still just friends; Lucas and I were working together + were good friends, and Sarah and I just started getting to know each other

Back then, Sarah and I were studying in the library, and I mentioned to her my feelings for Dave, and how I still appreciated him greatly as a friend even after he rejected me. In exchange, she told me about her feelings for Lucas

Well, if I can’t be with the person I like, why not make someone else happy by helping her be with the person she likes? So, I offered to be Sarah’s wingman. Whenever I’d hang out with Lucas, I’d bring up Sarah, and tried creating opportunities for them to know each other better – and it seemed to be going at a slow but steady pace! Sarah and Dave barely knew each other back then, but throughout the next few weeks, they started texting, and even got to hang out one on one for the first time. Definitely a long way to go still, but it was great to see them already starting to form a nice bond together

During that time, the friendship between Sarah and I grew rapidly. Whenever we hang out, I’d talk about Dave, and she would talk about Lucas. In late June, Dave confessed his feelings for me, we started dating, and Sarah was the first person I told the news to. She was so happy for me!

But when I told the news to Lucas when Sarah, him, and I were hanging out together – he fell silent. Later that night after dropping off Sarah, he asked to talk to me and admitted that he, too, had feelings for me. It took me by surprise, I ended up turning him down but assuring that our friendship wouldn’t be affected by this confession

I told Dave about the situation. He and Lucas ended up talking about it and resolved things amicably. Then, Dave and I both agreed that Sarah needs to know about this too. I had to tell her the news over the phone because I graduated and would be busy moving out for the next few days. She didn’t blame me after hearing the news, but we didn’t talk for a few days after that. Eventually after I moved away, Dave helped mediate the situation, and Sarah and I managed to be close again, texting almost every day and calling every now and then

Throughout the summer, Sarah and Lucas grew much closer, Dave and I started navigating our new long-distance relationship, and Lucas and I were still friends but stopped talking as much as we used to. Sarah and I had a few follow up conversations about Dave’s confession and how both of us reacted to it, but were very glad that we all managed to stay friends

Then things went down when I was visiting Dave and we both went to see the student org for old time’s sake. Lucas joined our circle briefly and asked some simple questions like how the drive was down here, etc., before Dave and I went home. The conversation lasted for no more than 5 sentences

The next day, Sarah texted me asking to call. She told me how she didn’t like the way I delivered the news to her back in June, how she had to receive it over the phone with Dave by my side, and how seeing me interact with Lucas just brought back bad memories. She also complained that she didn’t even get the opportunity to hang out one on one with me anymore after I graduated. Despite she asking me not to apologize because she knows it’s nobody’s fault, I still apologized after we called for not knowing how to better handle the situation, and promised to take the time to organize one on one hangouts in my future visits

I asked if we were good or she wanted space after this, she initially said we were good, but the next day she said she saw / noticed something for the past few days and was trying to do something about it, and thus needed space from me. I asked if she wanted to talk about what she noticed, but she refused. Then, I noticed that one of her friends who usually says hi to me was acting weird around me, and her close friends have stopped reacting to my Instagram posts, etc.

This made me wonder if whatever Sarah noticed and didn’t tell me has led her think that I hurt her in some way? If indeed like she said she thinks whatever happened between us isn’t anyone’s fault, then it really doesn’t make sense why her friends were being weird to me too. I started ruminating a lot about what could have gone wrong. It definitely had to do with Lucas, but she knew from the beginning that we were close, I was very open and honest about Lucas’ confession and started keeping a little more distance with him afterwards, and even Dave agreed that the conversation between Lucas and I the previous night was very minimal. So why is she refusing to communicate all of a sudden and her friends seem to be acting weird around me too?

It’s been almost 3 weeks and the rumination is starting to get really unhealthy. I just want to know what really is on Sarah’s mind, but I did promise to respect her request for space and want her to have all the time she needs to do whatever she needed to. Which, puts me in the dilemma that I am in right now

Any advice on this would be appreciated! Thanks

  1. Honestly stop caring about this one. Friends grow a part for much less, obviously Sarah thinks your gonna steal Lucas away, and even if you know that won’t happen you won’t be able to convince her. What she’s telling her friends is most likely that she doesn’t trust you around Lucas because she and Lucas are probably having issues

  2. Honestly your friendship sounds like it was entirely predicated on both of your crushes on these two boys and had no other substance to it. You’ve graduated, it might be time to file this into your past folder and move on from what doesnt sound like was a real friendship to begin with.

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