me and my boyfriend have recently lost our virginities to each other, and have been experimenting. because i am new to all this, i’ve experienced minor vaginal tears down by the bottom of my vagina. the skin split the first time we ever had sex and occasionally bleeds quite a bit.
earlier tonight we decided to fornicate, and after i felt a bit of a sting he noticed there was blood on the condom. being rightfully unsettled, my boyfriend decided to put the process to a halt. i was perfectly understanding of this.
however, the strangest feeling came over me.
i just got like an emotional overload and felt the urge to break out into tears, not completely sure why. it didn’t hurt nearly that bad, and i wasn’t at all upset we stopped having sex. i just felt such extreme emotion in that moment.
is it a hormonal thing, i wonder? usually when i’m close to being on my period i feel intense emotion, so i was thinking this could be why. i just starting sobbing for seemingly no reason at all. i couldn’t stop.
when i get into emotional moods, my brain tends to make everything worse, so my mind began wondering to my dead mother(???) it was so strange. i was fine after a few minutes, but just looking at my boyfriend made me start crying again. i think he’s wonderful. this time, it was tears of happiness.
perhaps i’m just oddly emotional. anyone else have this experience? in hindsight, i think it’s hilarious.

1 comment
  1. it’s definitely a hormonal thing. when we have sex or get ready to, tons of hormones are released and they sometimes cause us to cry. i’ve cried after sex a few times before

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