There’s a person I find really enjoyable to talk, we can talk for an hour without getting exhausted. We didn’t have common hobbies to say, I play basketball (but after we became friends, he started to play basketball with me).

And then there’s this guy I met at school. He goes to gym, and so do I. So I figured I strike a conversation about fitness. But after 5 minutes, I wanted to end the conversation.

1 comment
  1. It could be a few different things:
    1. BB dude could be much better at holding conversation than Gym dude.
    2. You might be more interested naturally in BB dude.
    3. You may have even less in common with Gym dude than BB dude.
    4. The setting in which you were having the conversation was less conducive to longer convos and more of a, “Hey What’s up, Have a good day” setting and you didn’t want to talk longer.

    Hard to say really

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