I broke up with him around a month ago (dated for 4 years) because he just didn’t treat me like I needed. We hardly saw each other, he never cared to see me, he hardly text me more than two times a day, I felt so alone and tired of begging for change.

Around two weeks after the breakup we spoke and sort of discussed things but not really. And ever since he’s been texting me every single day, like how we were before he distanced himself in our relationship. He texts me constantly, as soon as I press send I see he’s read it, I check my Twitter to find he’s sent me loads of tweets with pictures of cute animals and the same on Instagram.

All day every day. But when I try to discuss our relationship he shuts down. I’m so confused. It’s not like I’m sleeping with him, I’m not meeting up with him, I don’t compliment him or give him attention, he just wants to hear about my day and have fun chats about life.

I feel confused and I’m not sure what to do. I don’t understand why he’s texting me every day and is treating me better but doesn’t seem to want to discuss us… I’m not sure how to approach this situation and could do with some help.

Tldr: 3 years into our 4 year relationship my now-ex stopped trying. We hardly spoke and I ended it. But since ending it, he’s constantly texting me and being really full on and nice and wants to hear about my life and everything but refuses to discuss the relationship. I’m left so confused because I still love and want him.

  1. He’s trying to keep a foot in the door so he can get back together with you.

    As you said, he refuses to talk about the root issues of the past relationship, so I can almost guarantee things won’t change if you did get back together.

    My recommendation is to avoid contact with him and move on with your life.

  2. I’m curious why you feel like you need to keep him around. All you’re doing is making sure you don’t move forward with your life. Why does he get the privilege of keeping you from healing?

  3. What’s not confusing is that he wont show up and be a good partner for you when you are in a relationship.

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