When and how did it actually dawn on you that you are an adult?

  1. I’m 50 and every once in a while when I’m making coffee in the morning, or giving my kid a hug, or waking up with my husband I’ll get a flash of “wtf how am I an actual grown-up”.

  2. I refuse to be an adult. I have an entirely different lifestyle than my parents did at this point in their lives

  3. I’m 29 and I still regularly have this realization. Sometimes I’ll stand in my house, look around, and think “Holy shit I really bought all of this? With money? That I made? Who would even hire me? Who let me have responsibility and live alone in my own space?”

  4. Buying a house and moving away from my family safety net was a pretty big one.

    Then applying for a job that was a bit of a long shot with way more responsibilities and actually getting it definitely gave me that “wtf am I actually an adult?” moment.

  5. A few weeks after I turned 18, I needed surgery and the surgeon handed me the paperwork instead of my mom. I was confused for a second, and I was thinking, “Why didn’t he hand the paperwork to my mom?” Then I realized oh shit I’m an adult

  6. Getting excited about coupons and refusing to buy name brand unless it’s worth it. I used to beg my mom to get the name brand stuff because it was ‘cooler’. Once I stared buying it though and paying bills I realized real quick most name brand stuff is a waste of money.

  7. Usually when I’m standing in my kitchen alone pouring alcohol I bought myself in the house I bought myself while being surrounded by all of my own things and not needing anyone’s permission to drink wine at 12 on a Saturday.

  8. I’m 41 with my own house and business, and every once in a while (usually when I’m paying my tax bill), I think, “holy fuck I’m an actual grown up…. People trust me with this stuff”.

  9. when i started living on my own, paying my bills, paying my rent, knowing i’m 100% responsible of myself. it feels good.

  10. When I would have to call my dad to borrow tools. That’s when I knew I’m on my own

  11. 27 and still sometimes the feeling hits me but its not the feeling like that im an adult now… its more the thought like wow im getting old, where did the time go and at those moments i feel like an adult, not necessarily in the things i did or do because its just normal and everything feels normal at one point i guess…

  12. When my eldest son was born (mid 20s). Leaving the hospital with him in the car seat and driving home was like “whoaaaa”

  13. I was sitting with a client twice my age advising them on a matter of emotional well-being. Shit was trippy. It occasionally comes and goes feeling like a teenager, but I greatly enjoy being an adult.

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