Hey, me (M23) met a girl (F20/21) a couple weeks back at uni. Helped her out a bit and got a Snapchat today when I offered to help her with an assignment. What’s the best way to go about asking her out on a date? Do I just put my cards out on the table and be like look I think you’re pretty and a good laugh I’d love to take you out sometime.

Constructive criticism is welcome.

  1. I had always hoped that demonstrating competence at subject matters in college would be a great way to portray myself in a positive light while getting to know women. Ideally, that should be better than making an ass of yourself while nose snorting vodka from plastic cups and bellowing like a gibbon. I tried this study/tutor approach quite a few times with minimal success. It did at least get me into first date territory with some beautiful coeds even though I was of below average appearance at that age. One, I may have missed a connection with because I chose to pursue someone else.

    I hope it works out for you. Being smart and classy should be the thing that gets you points. Just don’t wait too long to make your move or she’ll be especially prone to trying to friendzone you, and may even be irate about it since in her mind you may only be there to altruistically help her study.

  2. “Hey, I’d like to take you out on a date. When are you free?” and wait for her to respond. Just be bold and confident about it.

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