If you could recommend one YouTube channel for someone to subscribe to, what would it be?

  1. Kraut

    Very educational about history, cultures, politics and various other topics. Truly a gem of a channel.

  2. Practical engineering. Most other engineering youtubers are either electrical or mechanical, but practical engineering is a civil engineering channel and it helped me see the beauty of the constructed world.

  3. stevemre1989

    watch chill dude just review old mres and gobble up a lot of questionable food stuffs. very frequent to hear “oh man that doesn’t look safe, I’m not going to eat that……. okay just a bite”.

  4. Mark Felton. Really interesting short videos about the last days of and first days after WW2.

  5. I’d say Psych2go. Really good stuff about psychology, mental health awareness, self-improvement and cute and fun animations. I think it helped me become more empathetic, understandable and accepting.

  6. Technology Connections is really good for in depth deep dives for a wide variety of things that could be useful in your own life.

  7. The original Primitive Technology.

    Avoid the copycats. You want the one with the shirtless Australian guy who never talks, just shows you his mad primitive skills. (Along with useful subtitles if you want them.)

  8. That Chapter

    Mike Oh tells of true crime with just enough humor to keep the nightmares at bay without disrespecting the victims.

  9. There are a few good channels depending on what you like so here are a few.

    1. Sam O’Nella – hilarious simple animations regarding facts, historical events or people, every video is filled with jokes but you actually learn something.

    2. JerryRigEverything – I personally don’t care for his tech teardown/testings but I like his other content, guy just has a relaxing voice and does some cool shit, I really like his not a wheelchair videos.

    3. Townsend’s – Essentially boils down to a man who loves historical reneactment has a group of people who help him do various projects based on living in the early colonial america, they do various things like old school cooking, building projects, making tools, etc while only using old tech.

    4. Chrisfix – Dude basically shows you DIY car repair and breaks it down step by step, a very practical channel, and entertaining as well, even if you don’t plan on doing the repair or don’t even have the vehicle, he does such a good job explaining everything that you come out learning more about how vehicles work. He also has some side projects like making a drift car which was cool.

  10. Internet Historian. Man puts a ton of effort into his vids. They’re both highly entertaining and informative. Only downside is usually takes him a while to put out a new one.

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