I feel like I have people who know me but it doesn’t go beyond that, it seems like most people aren’t looking for new friends.

I’ve tried a few things, Facebook group’s, Social Clubs, Workshops, Meetups and these are either things I’m not interested in or full of people older then me. Doesn’t seem like a whole lot around me really and ideally I find people who live nearby and not far away. Never made a friend from any job I’ve done either. How have you made friends?

  1. I’ve heard a lot of people say that the best place is to join an activity. Join a hiking club. Join a jogging club. Join a book club. Join a movie club. Join a club, team, or group that focuses on an activity you are fond of.

    If you love HeroClix or Magic the Gathering, join a club for that. Look at your local tournaments, local shops, or search online.

    You love music? Join a dance class. Etc etc etc.

    I haven’t tried this, to be completely honest, because I personally feel like I have too many friends and not enough time. However, I’ve always had the luxury of befriending people at work or school. If I didn’t have school, I’d imagine joining a club/team/class/group would be my best bet.

    I know you’ve tried FB, workshops, etc. However, have you tried a group/team/class/club for an activity you care about?

    What are your interest?

    In my opinion, people are more inclined to make new friends when you share the same passions or because you add value to their life. [+]

  2. This question comes up constantly in here and it’s always the same answers. Sport/Martial Art, Social Clubs, Hobby and Interest Classes/Groups. And I don’t see anyone come back and say they had success with it.

    I don’t want to kick anyone while they’re down but it’s usually the person that’s at the root of the issue. “I’m not interested in XYZ activities. The people there are too _______ (old, young, loud, quiet, smart, stupid…). I don’t like ____________ (crowds, music, alcohol, bars, clubs, sports, animals, the outdoors, ethic food). I don’t have the social battery to keep in contact every __________ (time interval) or deal with __________ (needs for physical assistance, needs for emotional assistance, needs for advice or conflict resolution).”

    Not saying it’s you personally but so many of these posts are “I wanna sit home and play video games and make no kind of investment in people but I want them to love me and invite me to do only things I want to do and only when I’m interested.”

    What are you into that everyone would go to a place to do? I guess that’s the start point.

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