Why? My bf always falls asleep when we cuddle

  1. ¿Isn’t the purpose of cuddles to help you fall asleep? I’ve been falling asleep while cuddling all my life, ¿Am I doing something wrong?

  2. I can’t fall asleep while cuddling.

    I’ll cuddle until they fall asleep, but then I need to detach and roll over onto my side of the bed.

  3. I always fall asleep when I’m cuddling my husband, especially when I’m sick. Almost can’t with out him.

  4. No, not unless I’m super exhausted. Normally i can’t fall asleep touching someone but she does so I’ll hold her until she falls asleep then I move back to my side and fall asleep.

  5. I used to have a girlfriend with whom I would cuddle and spoon with after sex. I didn’t fall asleep while cuddling but I did when we spooned. Loved it.

    My wife of 27 years, on the other hand, doesn’t like to be touched when sleeping. So we’re just on opposite sides of the bed.

  6. Yes and I sleep awesome and almost never move again at night when I’m in that position. I don’t even have to have sex to enjoy or fall asleep fast, when I’m with a woman that I trust I’m relaxed and happy.

  7. No, I can’t. I need my space. She sleeps first and then I do the old hug and roll. She comes to my side anyways… A queen bed and she sleeps like we are on a twin size mattress.

    Cuddling and sleeping like big and small spoon is bad for neck posture, not to mention the arm numbness.

    Gotta admit, holding boob is super fun.

  8. I remember lying down on the bed one time, and my fun-sized girlfriend rolled over and wrapped her arms around me big-spoon style.

    She gave me a big squeeze. Her arms met in the middle of my chest like a seat belt. She whispered that she loved me as she buried her face into the back of my neck.

    Now, I’d never been hugged like that before. I’m 6’2” and a solid 200 pounds. Up until that point, I’d always been the big spoon.

    And what was crazy about it was, out of nowhere, I got this huge rush of emotion. My eyes glistened on the edge of tears. Heat radiated from my chest, a real heartening warmth. I suddenly felt all super cozy and loved up and safe.

    I fell asleep almost instantly. Best nap I’d ever had. And now I love it when my partners hug me like that.

    I wish they’d do it more often.

  9. I usually cuddle with my boyfriend before bed, but I know he will let me fall asleep first so that I can sleep in whatever position is most comfortable in that moment so to answer for him, no he does not fall asleep.

  10. I try not fall asleep,when cuddling with my wife. Reason being is I jerk a lot in my sleep.

  11. Depends on if we’re on a couch or not. If on a couch, without fail, if on a bed, never in a million years

  12. Yes, haven’t had someone to cuddle with in 8 years though. It’s also been about 8 years since I’ve had a restful sleep while sober…

  13. I would take it as a sign of comfort, I personally don’t like sleeping in front of people no matter how tired I am because it’s a sign of vulnerability and it just feels rude, it would take someone I’d feel exceptionally close to in order to feel safe enough to sleep in front of them (I also have crippling anxiety so that’s a tall order for me)

  14. Omg, yes
    It happens so often that for some time I wondered if she was adding something to sleep me

  15. Usually, because it’s one of the rare times I’m just held in comfort and so any time I cuddle, I relax and fall asleep.

    FWIW, I’m 6’2″ and 300lb (188cm and 136kg for non-freedom lovers)

  16. Easily…. till it gets to be 100°+ under the sheets then I need my space. It’s too hot

  17. With my ex, all the time (no gf currently). She knew the second I got too comfortable and we had to find positions where I didnt accidentally crush her.

    But the best cuddles were when the AC or fan was on, the right amount of blankets, and plenty of time for us to sleep.

    Great times.

  18. Wasn’t with a gf *but* when I cuddle with someone I feel appreciated, loved, safe and weirdly strong that someone is comfortable being that intimate with me. I’m majorly at easy and sleep like a brick wall for the night.

  19. The first time I ever actually spent the night with first girlfriend we went to sleep spooning in my single bed. It was the most incredible feeling I’d ever had. Halfway through the night I half woke up and forgetting I was in bed with someone squeezed out a huge fart, right on her leg. I heard a sleepy eww and spent the remainder of the night wide awake with embarrassment.

  20. For me it’s a comfortability thing. I work long hard hours and whenever I visit home and we get to hangout I fall asleep just a few hours into seeing her but she understands that I’m tired from work and that she makes me feel safe and comfortable so I just fade right out.

  21. Because, for once, I feel good, relaxed, in complete opposite of my normal life where I’m always on the edge, stressed, and on my toes.

    I’m tired. I really am.

    The only place where I can relax is where I can cuddle with my GF.

    Well, “could” actually, she broke up because of that.

  22. Yes i do, my girlfriend says i pull her close in my sleep .
    I once couldn’t sleep unless i held her hand 😅

  23. If I had a girlfriend I would love to. The thought of falling asleep in her arms and her in mine sounds so romantic

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