Scientists are currently working on a form of male birth control that is suppose to be 99% effective if used properly. I believe it will be available as a daily pill, with similar risks and side effects as female birth control (pills). My question to men is would you take the male birth control if it gets approved by the FDA?

  1. I won’t be the first one, no.

    If its been in common mainstream usage for about 15+ years with no reported major health issues maybe. But I’ll probably have got a vasectomy well before that point anyway so it won’t matter by then.

  2. As someone who had a rubber break last night I would most definitely give it a go.
    Would need some extensive testing first though.

  3. Depends on how it works and the side effects involved. Regardless it’s a good thing for men to be able to take more responsibility and more control over thier reproduction. Condoms break, accidents happen, lies get told and male birth control would be another way to prevent unwanted pregnancies.

  4. I think it is interesting how many men on here say no because they dont want to endure the side effects that they have expected women to endure for years because of the inconvenience of having to wear a condom. Smh

  5. I’d vastly prefer alternative methods, like the Vasogel that was talked about, or even the talk about bionic implants that act effectively as a valve to a hormonal approach.
    With that said, I’d still appreciate having some control over it male-side, and would take it for lack of options.

  6. Too late, vasectomy completed 3 months after the 2nd kid…

    I’m like Clint Eastwood in an old western, shooting blanks like whoa

  7. Absolutely. Especially if it can give my girlfriend a break from the side effects she endures for us to have a healthy sex life.

  8. I swear the company making that birth control pill has to be posting this every week to reassure their investors or something.

  9. YES!!! DAMN YES!!! Finally, is it over with having to believe in the girls is on her pill, the condom is holding or any of that, now can we men also be allowed to decide if we want to be fathers or not!!

    And it does also remove the responsibility from always having to be on the women, why is it always them who have to take that god-damn pill, injection or whatever?! Finally, time for us men to step up a bit!!

  10. I’m going the snip route. I’m not a big fan of female birth control and assume this will have similar problems

  11. I’d try it. I — my family — has a bad history with medications causing side effects for various reasons, but you never know until you try it.

    Other wise I’ll just stick to my usual plan of wrap it until you want kids. Then after a couple snip it and live free for the rest of your life.

  12. Absolutely. I’m all up for taking some of the responsibility off my wife where I can. She hates the side effects that her pill gives her sometimes and, if provided with the options for me to deal with them instead, I’d jump at the opportunity.

  13. Hell yeah man!!! And I’d still carry condoms too, my partner has the right to feel safe

  14. As long as the side effects are no worse than what my partner would endure. Basically I’m down as long as my mental health and fertility are not drastically different than without.

  15. No, I’m just going to have a vasectomy. Fuck having kids, this world isn’t even going to let me live a full life.

  16. I’d rather not have it come in a pill form, vasalgel or something similar has a lot more appeal to me. If I were female I’d be in the IUD crowd. Personally I’m rather on the fence about being the early adopter of a pill, seems very risky.

  17. I’m very interested to see what will happen if this gets approved.

    In my previous relationships, I’ve always had to
    deal with either uncomfortable side effects/difficult periods from birth control, or listening to my partner be passive aggressive about me wanting him to use condoms.

    If this passes, I will absolutely be telling any romantic partners that they can either wear a rubber or take the male contraceptives. Previously it has always felt like I have to either disappoint my partner or feel sick all the time, at least If this gets approved, it’ll be less “on me” to make a difficult choice.

    I hope this will give women a little more choice surrounding how they handle BC/contraceptives, and give men the opportunity to better safeguard themselves against accidental pregnancies.

  18. I’m more of a fan of the blocking the vas deferens method. There’s nothing to remember and it is easily reversible.

    Given what a botched job the pharmaceutical industry has done wth women I am not likely to trust them.

  19. If we expect women to do it, it seems only fair that we are also willing to put our bodies through it. I’m in.

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