Do you share your taste in music with friends or is it personal? Why/why not?

  1. Some of them I do, some of them I don’t. It’s not important, but it’s another link in the chain of friendship.

  2. Music/concerts is my single biggest and most important hobby, I’ve met most of my friends through it, and it’s something we frequently hang out over or talk about. It’s not important in *every* single friendship, but I don’t think I’ve ever been close with someone who doesn’t love at least a couple of the same bands as I do.

    I listen to several different genres though, so it’s thankfully not like we’re 20 people all into the exact same bands, lol.

  3. Love this question. I am definitely a music person and spend a majority of my free time listening to music in some regard. In general, I will absolutely talk about what kind of music I love or the artists I love with friends or anyone who will listen. However, I am the kind of person who often pays attention to the lyrics. If I select a particular song or songs to send to someone, it means something to me to do that whether I say it or not. That is very personal to me and I am almost always doing so for a reason. It may not be that way for everyone, as I understand a lot of people might think this song sounds cool, check it out. I have moments like that too of course, but I’d say a majority of the time if I am listening to a song and think of someone and bother to send it, yes it would be extremely personal for me. I don’t send songs to most people so I’m selective when I do. I am probably either telling them something about me, something about how I feel about them, something about my mood, or I think they may relate, etc. This same rule USUALLY applies if I post a song on my social media. I’ve hand selected it for a reason, whether it be a way to show how I’m feeling or the way I feel about someone else. Not always the case, but usually the case.

    If it’s a moment I’m just like this song is awesome and I don’t care about the lyrics, then I may post it too but it’ll be super obvious that I’m just jamming out. A country song? Yeah I got something on my mind probably. The only exception would probably be if someone requested I suggest a few songs. Then those may be random selections. Hope this makes sense.

  4. My bestie and I blend it.

    I prefer techno. My best friend loves metal. We road-tripped 40ish hours. We combined music, podcasts, and just talking.

    After the road trip, I kinda liked metal. And he kinda liked techno.

  5. I tell them and make them listen to songs I like, but very few middle aged women are into EDM. Sigh.

  6. yes but when i share my music with a male friend it’s usually made fun of drastically even if they listen to the same music, they’ll tell me I’m a poser or something

  7. Oh absolutely. I’m a big music lover and being able to share music with my girlfriend and friends really helps me find new music and put them on to some jams.

  8. Me and my bestie have totally different tastes. It’s hilarious when she texts and says “wanna come out Friday?” And I say “is it a rave?” And she replies “ummmm”

  9. Sure why not. Spotify blended is a cool feature that will blend your music with another Spotify user. That way you can identify music genres you have in common and discover new ones from them.

    As long as you or the person you’re sharing music with is not an extremist about music, there shouldn’t be an issue. If you want people to be open to your music style, you need to have that same energy with theirs.

    What’s super lame is when someone thinks their music taste is superior. Don’t be that person.

  10. I love sharing music with my friends. We don’t always listen to the same thing but we have similar styles so we’re always introducing each other to new bands. I found some of my favorite bands (talking heads, interpol, radiohead) from my friends and I sharing music.

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