I finally lost my virginity to a really beautiful girl. However, I cum way too fast. I last maybe a minute, if that.

At first I had problems with ED, since I was just so nervous. When I got more comfortable with her it got better.

Now cumming too fast this is taking a toll on me. I can’t tell if this is due to mental issues, inexperience or just the way I am… she won’t let me go down on her yet (says she dont do it early on) so when I cum we’re done.

Is it normal to cum fast the first couple times? What can I do?

  1. Yes it is normal for a person your age to cum that quick. It’s like riding a bike, the more you practice the better you will be. Your nervousness and eagerness go into play with you shooting early too. Get a Fleshlight or something similar and use it couple times a day or week. It will help you to slow your pace down and get better

  2. Dude, I’m 40 years old, have been married for 10, and still cum too early. It happens man- you’re not mentally ill. 😂 Jerking off before you meet up with your girl next time.

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