Hei guys, I’m an international student (m19).

Even though I can speak English quite fluently, I don’t seem to make a lot of sense of myself at communicating with other people (white people, I’m Asian).

I felt socially awkward even though everyone else got the impression that Im a gregarious creature. I didn’t socialise much in my 2 years of high school, really didn’t hang out much with anyone local. Also I wasn’t invited to any party or anything.

I just want to improve my social life, and it seems to me that cultural language is getting the better of me nowadays.

I’m not happy. Help.

1 comment
  1. The solution is simple, albeit not easy: Start speaking to virtually everyone. Strike up a conversation and see if you two can enjoy having a bit of a chat. Then after a bit, excuse yourself because you have to go, say that this was a nice chat.
    After doing this enough times you start recognizing who is showing interest in you as a person, and if that happens it’s time to suggest hanging out together.
    I would do this with people I have something in common with though, in your case most likely other students.
    Practice makes perfect.

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