What’s the best relation ship advice you could give to a 25 years old

  1. All fights are mostly actions and reactions, dissect rhe situation and come to conclusion rather brute forcing.

    And get into relationship who thinks this way.

  2. What specific advice are you wanting? The question you’ve asked is too broad and is open to every possible piece of advice

  3. Your partner cannot read your mind and you shouldn’t be expected to read theirs.

    Talk about your wants, needs, and feelings.

  4. Try to see things out of your partners perspective and consider their point of view when conflict arises.

    Also in conflict focus on the problem that is in front of you and to not start mixing in other topics.
    One problem is solveable but if you throw all problems into one barrel you will solve nothing.

  5. Look up a youtube channel ‘The school of life’. Their content on relationships is eye opening.

  6. Make sure that you’re compatible with each other, through communication. Be honest about who you are and what you’re looking for and communicate that to whoever. No one can read minds and not everybody sees things the same way.

  7. Listen to the red flags. You can waste an inordinate amount of time with someone who isn’t a good person/a little crazy/doesn’t have the same values as you etc… because you just ignored the small things… next thing you’re 35 and disillusioned with dating because you CHOSE to waste your own time with unworthy people. Know your values- and don’t bend them or make concessions because you’re afraid to be alone.

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