So I thought it was pretty clear in my dating profile that I was looking for friendships. This guy who started talking to me was charming and attractive so we only talked for one day before ultimately becoming fuck buddies. This isn’t really a friends with benefits situation. Its just benefits and that isn’t really a turn on to me anymore. I prefer to have sex with actual friends. Is this a situation in which you just ghost them or do you tell them you are done?

  1. Just because ghosting is an option doesn’t mean it’s okay in any form. Just tell him you aren’t looking for this and you think you should end it here and hope he finds what he’s looking for.

  2. Tell them you’re grateful for all the good times but have decided to switch gears and look for other kinds of relationships

  3. “It was fun fucking you but I’m looking for soemthing else now. Take care and all the best!”

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