I (28m) just got back from a few drinks with a guy friend who was giving me his perspective on dating. He argued that it’s better to go beyond matching response times and to make sure your replies take longer so that women end up longing for a reply, which activates the same feeling as loving.

I told him I’m not really into that as it feels like a game, and I’m more of a feminine guy if anything cause I can imagine that being quite confusing if I was on the other end of it.

Sucky thing is, when I have done this in the past, it’s kind of worked.

What do you think, girls?

  1. Nope. Don’t play stupid games.

    What you think is “working” is manipulation and a woman’s needs not getting met. Is that really what you want to do?

  2. I disagree that longing leads to loving and rather agree with your assessment that it seems like a game. Girls may be unintentional players in that game for awhile but it will not lead to a healthy relationship

  3. No lol. If you seem uninterested, why would I be interested in you?

    If this man thinks wanting a text back from someone I don’t really know is going to feel the same as loving someone, I’m not sure he’s ever loved anyone lol.

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