We all went hung out a few night ago and got pretty drunk, I fell asleep on the couch and found out two days later they had sex in my cousin’s room while I was asleep. They both decided not to tell me but he felt too guilty and told me he cheated, I connected the dots and figured out it was her before they told me. They were no signs of them wanting to have sex or even being attracted to one another, I feel very low, like I should’ve known. My bf was really good to me the whole time so this was a really big shock for me.

TL;DR my boyfriend cheated on me with my close cousin and they both agreed not to tell me but he felt too guilty and later told he cheated on me.

  1. So all it took for him to cheat, was drinking to his much and you falling asleep. That’s a sorry excuse! Shows how little he values what you had.

  2. At least he told you, he didn’t have to so he has some-what of a decent conscience. I’m not gonna tell you to dump him, but if I was in your situation I would. Trust is like glass, you break it once and it’s never the same.

  3. OP the bigger question is what are you going to do about your cousin? Do you have to face her on holidays? I’d honestly cut a relative off over this.

  4. Nah, there’s no way you would have known. If you knew your boyfriend was the type to cheat, I’d be worried why you were with him in the first place.

    People can be shocking sometimes. I hope you know it has everything to do with him and nothing to do with you. And I’m glad you dodged that bullet before you got married, had kids, or wasted any more time together. That’s what dating is all about — Seeing what a person is made of. Best of luck as you heal and take time to grieve. <3

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