My husband and i (I’m 31 and he’s 40) have been together for 8 years. We haven’t had sex for 5 of them. Everry time I brought it up he would cry and say he will try be better and I feel sorry. But now I want sex and I want children. We hve been talking (fighting) for 2 weeks now so i told him maybe we should end it so he got upset and took me to the bed and took out my dildo and forced it in me asking if thats what I wanted and if it felt good and if it worth ruining our marige. He went to sleep and I run away to my friend from work. He doesn’t know who my friend is or where he live. I want him to give up

  1. Hon, not sure what you are trying to save here. Get a safety plan in place, tell him it’s time for a divorce.

    Please don’t have sex if he changes his mind. Don’t risk bringing a baby into this. Babies should not already be born with the job to save their parents marriage.

    And see your doctor or counsellor about the assault. Think about if you want to press charges.

  2. For the love of God do not try to have kids with this man.

    Walk away. You’ve given 5 years to trying to make it work. Whatever his deal is, his behavior is wrong and outrageous.

  3. That is legally Rape. He raped you. I’m so sorry you went through that, and I hope you have people who can support you and listen while you consider your options, and whether or not to press charges. I know yoh must feel confused and hurt, but none of this is your fault. At all.

  4. First off before the SA, I would have said, he may have some problem. So the doctor and counseling could have been a solution. Now after SA, leave…..Not worth it.

  5. I may be way wrong, but does he suffer from ED? I ask because the crying part makes me think that he is unable (not unwilling) to have sex, which may have affected him psychologically and his actions were an outburst of frustration with his inability to give you what you need.

    NOT THAT THIS IS AN EXCUSE – sorry for the caps but I want to make sure you understand that I’m not trying to excuse his actions. What he did is SA, and I don’t know if your marriage can survive even if you forgave him and decided to stay. I don’t see how you could trust him again.

    I don’t know if there’s even a point in marriage counselling, which is the go-to advice usually. Speaking for myself, I don’t think I could ever forgive him.

    I am sorry this happened to you.

  6. Press charges, and file for divorce. You married a monster. And I’m so, so sorry this has happened to you.

  7. Girl, I hope you never go back to him. This is not a man or a relationship to bring a child into. You can report him for rape if you want, but regardless, please never go back to him. Go straight to a divorce attorney and don’t look back. He has serious issues.

  8. Please give up. You know he assaulted you so what else is there to stay for?

    P.S: I’m so sorry that happened to you

  9. You should really report him to the police for rape. You probably won’t, but that’s okay, you need to end this relationship and get away from him. If you have nowhere safe to go, try to contact a domestic violence shelter. Whatever you do, do not get pregnant.

  10. I am so sorry that happened to you. You would probably benefit from having some support, confidential advice and support and someone to listen and help you access counselling.

    If youre in the US visit otherwise for a helpline in your area look up your country in

    They can direct you to people who can help with processing what happened. They could also walk you through how to make a Police complaint if you choose to go down that route, either about the rape or about the harassment to get him to leave you alone.

  11. Safety first, if you are going to leave make sure he’s at work when you pick your things. The most important are your documents, passport, ss cards, diplomas, then jewelry. Cloth can always be replaced, get a P.O Box immediately in another part of town where you won’t be living. Get new email address and go old school and get two Hotmail address. Change all of your pass words, if you have joint accounts, get a new account (bank) first then transfer only half of what is in the account. Consider changing your cell # if things get bad and inform your employer incase he starts to go to your work. Safety first, think like a cop and criminal. Safety first. God bless.

  12. Marriage is over. Consider reporting him to the police for rape. If you won’t do that, do talk to a divorce attorney asap.

  13. Ok, that is bad.. but (and in no way defending his actions) perhaps he has erectile dysfunction and is afraid of saying so.

  14. JESUS FUCKING CRIST! Ghost him and find a lawyer! Only communicate through lawyer! In regards to law, report the assault sooner than later in case there is evidence. This rapist fuels the fire for all men being SA’s! The lawyer will know exactly what to do!

  15. I know he’s your husband, but this is r***. You absolutely need to get divorced and should report him to the police. Whatever you do, don’t talk to him alone anymore.

  16. That act ended the relationship especially your feelings of trust and safety. Start the process of separating your life and move. It will be hard but not impossible

  17. Omg please run away and never look back. Sis sorry you’re going through this, but this is not a healthy environment

  18. Should he have done it, no, assault definitely.

    But you are responsible for some of it. You harassed your partner, trying to force him to have sex with you.

    Your marriage has ended and you are responsible for it.

  19. Do NOT have kids with this guy. Kick him out or leave and ghost him hard. He is this irresponsible and all over the map at 40 he isn’t going to change. Get away from him and stay safe.

  20. Run. Definitely run. It’s broken dear, and nothing will fix that. He raped you with an object because you wanted to have kids, while telling you it was your fault.

    It’s not your fault.

    Please be safe.

  21. I’m so sorry. Run and make sure to be safe. See the police if you can, there are possibilities to document what happened without immediately reporting him, if you’re not comfortable with that yet.
    Don’t ever meet him again without bringing another person along for your safety.
    If you want to get your stuff, ask a friend to get them while he’s not home.

  22. I’m so sorry he did this to you – it’s so awful. I hope you’re able to get away from him and build a life you love.

  23. Idk what country you are in and the culture that surrounds divorce but this man is never going to give you children. He has emotional issues for sure but from what I have no clue. Also I don’t know if there is some cultural issues also as in he might be gay and it’s not acceptable where you live.

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