Hey, I really don’t know if im reading too much into this or overthinking here. But I just find it weird. I (22F) am in a LDR with my (24M) boyfriend for 1.6 years. Hes not normally active on social media (instagram) much, hell post a story once a week if that, usually its of him driving like guys do lol. Hes attending university in another city and this weekend he has gone back to his home city to visit family. Hes randomly started posting LOADS of stories from the moment he starting driving there- some of them are selfies. I dont know if its me overthinking, but I just find it weird. Im not sure why he would suddenly post tons of stories when usually he never does.

TL;DR; boyfriend has started posting loads of stories since he came back to his home city for the weekend.

  1. Various possible reasons, but you could just ask him. He shook up his normal routine, so it’s not that surprising his posting habits changed. He could be bored. Or being with family may make him think about his social connections and want to post more. So hard to guess why he feels like posting. I sometimes go through long periods of not posting much and then spurts of posting more.

  2. Sounds kind of normal for someone to do if they are returning home and are bored. It puts it out there on what he’s doing so if anyone was bored too they’d know and could reach out.

  3. Maybe he is trying to post more so people who knew from hometown know he is back home. Either way best to just ask him out of curiousity. I get why you are making the post but there are any number of reasons. No one here can actually tell you what he is doing unfortunately. Good luck!

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