This is a little bit more complicated than the title says. She broke up with me because of something I did some months ago and she dwelled on it and said she couldn’t take it anymore. She texted me 3 days ago checking up on me saying she’s not doing so well and that she feels like shes the one most hurt even though she made the decision. (Which I can confirm because I have been watching her social pages anonymously). After that text I didn’t immediately text back so she texted me again saying “nvm i said that, good luck 2mar”. I’m an artist and I had a show the next day. She comes to the show with a $220 gift for me which I was not expecting. Even tho she did say she will still be attending the show regardless of the break up. But my birthday is 2 weeks away so I guess that’s what it’s for. After the show she texts me videos of me performing. The following morning I thank her for the videos and showing up. She tells me she loves me and gives me encouragement things about my career and stuff saying I will be a star and so forth. She still watches my stories even though I don’t watch hers…because I want her back and I want to give the illusion that i’m going through no-contact lol. So my question to you guys is WTF is going on? We didn’t speak in 2 days now. But I seen she hid her story from me posting on her instagram about imessage games. Idk what’s going on I can’t read her.

TL;DR My (22M) Gf (23F) broke up with me but texted me 2 days later saying that she feels the most hurt.

  1. She obviously still has feelings for you but you broke her trust (I’m guessing here) and she can’t get over what you did. This isn’t healthy for the both of you, you should actually do no contact and allow yourselves to move on. The relationship is over.

    Edit: just checked your pist history. You cheated. LEAVE HER THE FUCK ALONE

  2. Often the process of detaching from someone is messy. Feelings don’t go away all at once. She’s processing and working her way towards being okay being over you. But she couldn’t stop caring about you all at once.

  3. You cheated on her and she is very hurt. She doesn’t know how to handle her feelings and she probably is more hurt than you.

  4. So, you cheated on her, and she is obviously struggling with that. Of course she is still liking your stuff/being involved, she actually cared for you.

    I hope she can chalk this up as a lesson learned, and leave you alone and find her own happiness. She sounds so nice. Hope it was worth it to miss out on her.

  5. Went through a situation where I was with a guy for 4 years. He cheated on me on the phone a lot in those years. I always tried pushing it back to convince myself it was a mistake and he did truly love me. That went on for years. There’s a certain breaking point for women where after they sit on something for months they can’t take it anymore. I caught my ex cheating for the last time November 14th 2021 and from then on I started convincing myself he wasn’t going to change and that I was worth more. It took me until July of this year to finally snap and tell him I’ve been dwelling on the things he did in the past and can’t take it anymore. From what I’ve read on your other post with her drinking and talking about it more before you guys breaking up for good, that’s probably what she was doing as well. You cheated on her. She had to convince herself you didn’t mean it, and then had to convince herself again that she really was worth something and didn’t need to stay in this situation.

  6.  “she dwelled on it” after you cheated on her ??? and the way you describe the things she’s doing (all about you) you sound narcissistic and toxic as hell lol

    bro you’ve created like 6 different threads about YOU being jealous about her being fucking sexually assaulted. you’re honestly a pos

    leave her aloneeeee

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