ok so, this is so ridiculous but i just need some insight to what other girls think. the instagram explore page is photos and content of what users are interested in. like an algorithm that is made for you and based on things you like and view. how much of this is true? my boyfriend and i have been together for several years and today i looked at his explore stuff and it just was heaps of photos of girls and things like that. i asked him and he said he promises he doesn’t understand why it’s like that.. unsure how i feel and how to go about things. like i genuinely didn’t think he’d look at that type of stuff and now i feel completely stupid lol help

1 comment
  1. My explore page is mostly cat videos and memes because that’s what I click like on. But even then, there are many videos and photos of women dancing and in bikinis. I usually click “not interested” to prevent it from coming up but it still does.

    In general, there isn’t much to look into. You should ask yourself if you trust him and not have Instagram play a role in this question

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