I love my boyfriend but I’m in two minds since I think multiple partners can ruin a relationship! I am not closed to the idea since I love exploring…need advice please!

  1. I wouldn’t unless you’re absolutely 100% not-a-shred-of-doubt-in-your-mind, swear-on-the-bible positive that you want to, otherwise yeah those are known to ruin relationships

  2. Best thing I ever done incorporate threesomes into our relationship! Just make sure you communicate first!

  3. Multiple partners isn’t what ruins relationships. Poor communication and lack of trust is what ruins relationships. If you have a solid relationship with good communication and trust you should be fine.

    I’d want to know why he wants to have a threesome and what he hopes to get out of it.

  4. Curious about this myself, just figuring out how to bring it up with my boyfriend.

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