Some background : I (23F) have been in a relationship with my bf (24M) for a little over two years but it honestly doesn’t feel like it. My career is not a stable one, as jobs in my field are seasonal and it’s hard to look for jobs in a specific place. You just have to look all over the country and hope there’s a good job in a place you can like/afford. Despite requiring a college degree, most of these jobs don’t pay well either (think $12-17). During the summer, I accept that I won’t be able to be with my boyfriend because I’ll probably have a job several hours away. But during the winter, there are far fewer openings and the ones that are open often require more experience than I have.

After I graduated from college in spring 2021, I went 10 hours away for a job and then came back for the winter to live with my boyfriend. I was expecting to do that again this year, and I was led to believe that I would be able to come back. The problem is my boyfriend lives with two other people, one of whom, we’ll call him W (25M), “owns” the house (his parents bought it for him so he has the most say in what happens). With a month and a half left to go in my seasonal job, I was told that W was not going to let me live with them again (for clarity I lived in my bf’s room, not my own room). I asked if I did anything wrong last winter, like taking up the bathroom for too long or something. My bf said I did nothing wrong and that W would be more than happy to have me around again but he just doesn’t want me to live there. Why you may ask? The third roommate, D (24M), owns a dog and he moved in after I left for my seasonal job, replacing the previous guy who didn’t have any pets. W also has a dog, so now there are two dogs in the house instead of one. THAT is apparently the reason W doesn’t want me back. One extra dog suddenly makes that house too crowded. Keep in mind that it’s an actual house, not some tiny apartment.

Now I’ve moved back in with my parents because my plans were so thrown off. I didn’t find any winter jobs in my field that were feasible and I feel like such a failure. I feel like I have no interest in doing anything. Despite living here for 18 years before I left for college, I only have one friend here and she’s still in college hours away. I love my parents and my pets but I feel empty. I’m looking for work here that pays a fair amount (minimum wage where my parents live is incredibly high and some unskilled jobs pay significantly more than my career job). However, I feel reduced and stupid doing work like that. My boyfriend constantly sends pictures of things he and our mutual friends are doing and it makes me feel horrible. They’re playing games I love that I introduced to them! My boyfriend has told me that everyone misses me, but clearly not enough to change W’s mind. On top of that, there are other people in that town that really want to see me again so I’m also locked out of hanging out with them.

I was thinking of finding my own place where my bf lives but rent in that town has increased astronomically since I graduated and I’m uncertain of where I’ll be next summer, so I don’t want to commit to anything. I found a seasonal position in that town for the agency I have been working for but I haven’t heard back. Until then, I can’t really do anything.

I resent W for keeping me away from my bf and making my relationship feel worthless and bland. I’m hurt that my bf doesn’t try to do anything about it. Even when working, I don’t make enough money to see him regularly. I like the stability of a relationship and I don’t want to break up because I have two STDs, so the chance of finding someone else who is okay with that is incredibly low. What should I do?

TL:DR: I want to be with my boyfriend but the only way for that to happen right now is for me to actually live with him and his roommate is steamrolling the decision.

  1. >I don’t want to break up because I have two STDs, so the chance of finding someone else who is okay with that is incredibly low

    Really not the best reason to stay with someone.

  2. >I didn’t find any winter jobs in my field that were feasible and I feel like such a failure. I feel like I have no interest in doing anything. … I feel empty. … some unskilled jobs pay significantly more than my career job). However, I feel reduced and stupid doing work like that.

    This sounds to me like you might be suffering from depression and are also being very hard on yourself. (The two can certainly go hand in hand, from my own experience.) Have you ever considered getting therapy to help you work through some of this?

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