If you like a girl, would you really go on for a couple hours or even days without talking to her? I understand people might be busy, but don’t they take out atleast some time during the day to talk to the person they like? If a boy doesn’t respond to my messages or just doesn’t text for a day or two and disappears for hours, but DOES show interest when we’re together in person, what does that mean? I’m pretty sure he doesn’t really like me and that I was just making it up in my head

  1. A couple of hours or a few hours is probably because he’s busy. And a few days could mean alot of things. Maybe he’s just bad at texting.

  2. She’s not present, we’re not in the middle of a current conversation, whyever would we talk to her, other than checking in a couple of times a week?

    Showing interest in person should be enough.

    Really, I just do not ‘get’ this obsession girls have with being ‘texted’ frequently, regularly, obsessively.

  3. if hes interested he will respond. unless he has some personal situation going on

  4. Not responding for a few hours is perfectly normal because people have lives and that may not involve texting at the exact time you want, but rather texting at the time they have available. That being said, if he doesn’t respond for 24 hours, he’s not interested. A man who is interested is delighted to hear from you and can’t wait to message you back. There is no amount of “busy” that will stop that from happening.

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