I(26) am in LDR with my gf(23) for past 6 months and will meet for the first time after a year(due to some reason I can’t meet her right now, we are in different countries and met each other online). We met as friends and I know everything about her past. I was in plain vanilla relationship for couple of months 7 years ago and she was in relationship for couple of years so basically completely experienced when it comes to all the kinky stuff.

I never drink or smoked and just had a hookup once that too 4 years ago so I am afraid that whatever I do with her(drink, smoke, sex, fetishes) will not be exciting to her as she had done everything with her past bf so I feel like she likes a matured relationship and on the other side I never had my proper first love so I want to have everything with her for the first time and make it exciting. I feel like she thinks it Is immature but still tries to assure me everything is exciting when it is with me and the previous one was another person so I can’t even relate(Saying everything will be new to her and exciting)

I am just thinking to forget about all my immature fantasies(like making out in public, fingering in theater, and everything else that I though of doing with my first relationship but couldn’t). Just want to assure myself that it will still be exciting.

Can girls who have been in multiple relationship before meeting the one final guy let me know how was your experience, did it feel less exciting when you for the first time did things with your current partner which you already had dozens of time with your previous partners? Also how can I keep relationship more exciting knowing I am the one less experienced and they might find me immature?

PS. This post is not about experience, from my couple of experience with girls I can say I am not that bas but I am thinking about the spark and if my partner will find my not so matured fantasies as boring.

  1. Females of r/sex please help me stop my overthinking, this is my first time asking question in this group.

  2. Even I am in the same situation meeting my LDR gf for the first time next year and feeling like she is experiences so will not like all the things i want to try as she already experienced everything in her previous relationship. I recently started drinks and weed just to catch up with her, not that I never wanted to start but always had this thing that my first drink/smoke/sex/fantasies should be with my gf. Some are like fingering in theater, having sex at public places but hidden and basically all the risky fantasies but feel like since she has had everything with her previous bf, now it won’t be that exiting for her. I know overthinking can be bad but this is really sad and I can feel you.

  3. Ladies can you tell me if it felt same as when you had for the first time or did you react the same as when you had it for the very first time? Be it making out, risky fantasies or any other activities?

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