I’m starting my period in several days and I get so bloated and gross beforehand. I don’t get to see this guy often and I’ve been wanting to have sex with him for a long time now.

The problem is I know I won’t want to be naked and I’m pmsing pretty bad and the last thing I want is for him to think how fat and gross I am.

Ugh idk.

  1. I wouldn’t do it. He will still want to have sex with you later when you feel better. Relieve yourself of the anxiety and give yourself permission to rest and take some self care.

  2. pehaps discuss with him your situation, and how this is affecting how you think your body may be perceived.

    it may not be an issue for him at all.

  3. The contracting of your uterus and cervix helps when you orgasm with that I wouldn’t cancel 🥰🥰 it’s definitely helped me when my fiance and I have sex

  4. You’re probably worrying about nothing, but if you can’t get out of your own head then go ahead and cancel cuz your self mind fucking will just make it a bad experience.

  5. Honestly, if you don’t feel sexy and up for it then don’t force it. Maybe not cross it off 100%, if the vibes are right and you are comfortable with it then go for it, but don’t force it just because you don’t want to disappoint yourself or him in some way. If he is a good one, then he will find a way to be there for you anyways

  6. I don’t think he will think anything of it, but it matters how you feel. If you don’t think you will enjoy it because you may feel insecure, maybe you should ask him to reschedule. But if you still want to do it and think you can enjoy yourself, I think you can rest assured he won’t notice those things.

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