I feel like a fool writing this on a Reddit forum but cannot stop thinking about this girl I’ve been talking to for 7 months, she’s stunning and frankly out of my league but we live far away and have only seen each other like 5 times. When we do meet up we have the best time.
Obviously texting without meeting is bound to get drier and it has recently, even though she initiates conversation it wasn’t like before and I know she’s best friends with her ex as well as other red flags. I’ve asked to meet up a few times but she’s says she’s got plans which is fair enough but it feels like we’re pen pals at the minute.
Usually I would just move on but this girls always on my mind and I know I’d regret it if I stopped talking to her.
On the other hand I know she’s got loads of boys lined up and she’s probably keeping me there for validation so idk what to do.
Any advice?

TL;DR : met girl 7 months ago caught feelings Don’t want to lose her seems she’s still interested but pulling away. What to do?

  1. Ask her out. Just like that. Straight to her face.

    You’re 21 years old, dude. If she says no, the world keeps spinning and you keep moving towards your prime. Eventually you’ll come to realize there’s opportunities everywhere and even when you become an old fart like me your opportunities just get *better!* Take advantage of that. Be patient, scope out what you need, carve out a little part of the world for yourself, and make the move even if you’re the underdog. The worst thing that can happen to you is you learn a little from it.

    We guys are pretty lucky in this regard. The world is your oyster even 20 years from now, so just enjoy it and focus on self-improvement rather than getting hung up about some pretty little so-and-so.

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