I have known my girlfriend has not been a huge fan of cum since we started dating, she never wanted it inside her or near her mouth/face which was fine for me. But recently she told me that she really thinks cum is gross, so much so that she wants to take it out of the equation of sex entirely. Now when we have sex or she gives me oral, when I am about to finish she wants me to stop and cum into tissues.

I of course respect her boundaries and will never pressure her into doing anything she doesn’t want to do. But admittedly, it makes me a little frustrated to have to stop what we are doing and cum into a tissue, in addition for making me feel like I am gross to her. I am trying not to take it personally, but I absolutely love all of her vaginal lubricants and her other fluids because she is so hot to me, so I am afraid that she doesn’t find my that attractive if she thinks the opposite. Are my feelings misplaced or is there more to this?

  1. Have you spoken to her about your feelings? You should tell her how you feel and maybe find a solution between both of you. Good and honest communication is key for a healthy relationship.

  2. Bodily fluids of either gender are such a natural, normal part of sex. If she’s so grossed out by it, maybe sex isn’t for her.

  3. I won’t speak as to what either of you should be feeling, but as someone who thinks my own cum is gross I prefer to just use a condom. There is a slight loss of sensation, but I figure that is better than having to interrupt the process.

  4. Your feelings are quite valid. I don’t think that you’re gross to her. I don’t think that she’s less attracted to you. I don’t know why she’s totally ruled out you cumming on her or in her. This is the heart of the matter. The only way that you can find an answer is to talk with her. This is a situation where the saying “don’t ask the question if you don’t want to know the answer” applies. However, I don’t think you have any choice other than asking the question.

    A possible solution is to wear flavored condoms when she gives you a blow job, and to wear condoms when you have PIV sex.

    I do think that you need to decide if finishing in tissues is a deal breaker for you. If it’s a deal breaker then you can you’re girlfriend aren’t sexually compatible.


    My wife also thinks that cum is gross but not to the degree that your girlfriend does. She’s set a hard and fast rule that I can cum in her but I can’t cum on her. I know why she’s disgusted by cum and I know that she won’t change. We’re each other’s firsts and I’ve never cum on her in the 42 years that we’ve been together.

  5. Sorry read that, when I was young (20-27) I used to cum in tissues or my boxers too, for fear to get my gf pregnant, I my own experience you lost the really sensation when you stop for cum in another place, you need to talk with you GF she is baring very selfish with you, and sex is for both

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