I’ve been dating my boyfriend for about 3 months now and have had several encounters of guys sliding in my dms or hitting on me. I’ve told my bf every time but I know he worries and gets a little jealous. I only tell him because I’m a very transparent person and like telling him every detail about my day.

Some think this isn’t necessary especially if I’m not responding to the flirty encounters.

However if I don’t tell him, I feel like I’m hiding or not being honest to him.

Tldr: should I tell my bf everytime a guy messages or hits on me?

  1. Honestly as a jealous guy what id like to say is yes, but if you can do me a favour blank the guys who’s dming you block him and don’t tell your bf he don’t need to know its gonna make him feel like he has do do more to keep you, and like he doesn’t deserve you so basically don’t tell him if there nothing more than you just blocking some random guy who’s hitting on you I apologise for the rant.

  2. If my very handsome bf told me every time a woman hits on him and he shuts her down, I would feel exhausted by extraneous noise? Part of honesty is discretion. Discretion to not tell every detail of your day, discretion to not tell something that might distress your partner but has no practical consequence?

  3. I think this is subjective. I would want my bf telling me if any girl was hitting on him. So I share if any guy was hitting on me. I totally get the part of wanting to be transparent. In my case, my guy is pretty chill about it, so it’s easier.
    I would say the best person to ask is your boyfriend, what he prefers..

  4. “Hey, it occurred to me that you might find it annoying to hear about these guys who hit on me. I prefer to be transparent with you so you know I don’t hide stuff but if it’s boring I’ll stop telling you unless someone really weird shows up. “

  5. My ex would tell me every time a guy hit on her, and every time I’d tell her I did not want to know. She’s attractive, guys hit on her, that’s how she and I met. Her telling me that was about as meaningful and uplifting as if she told me every time she used the bathroom, except it was worse, because I knew she was flirtatious and I would always wonder whether she was telling me the whole story.

    Ask your boyfriend if he wants to know about every time a got hits on you. Tell him the reason you have been sharing this information and that you are happy to respect his wishes.

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