What do you think are the best ways to comfort a person?

  1. Listening to them vent and not offering up advice or solutions to their problems unless they ask for it. Sometimes all we need is for someone to hear us out and say they understand or they relate and we’re not alone in our feels, whether it’s serious or petty built up complaints about life.

  2. Depends on the need. Comforting sadness is different from comforting panic, which is different from comforting grief.

    But the one thing that is maintained between them all is: staying attuned to their need. Whether that’s listening to their words, or what’s under the surface.

  3. My rule of thumb is to ask them if they want advice, someone to listen, or to give them space.

    Everyone is different and every situation is different, so this question is a respectful way to consider those differences. Following what that person tells you in response is a great way to show respect toward their emotional needs and can be comforting in its own right.

  4. It helps if you know their love language. Sometimes people desperately need a hug and are afraid to ask. Also quality time together, even if it’s us being quiet or doing our own thing in the same room.

  5. It’s going to differ from person to person. Some people need to be hugged, while others would prefer to be made into a blanket burrito and brought tea.

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