Because this topic is too weird/awkward for me to talk to my doctor about it, I’d rather ask Reddit first.

Well, for ages now (2 years approx.) I don’t really feel pleasure as many do from orgasming (mostly masturbation). For context: I don’t have any issues with porn or masturbation that could psychologically affect the satisfaction from orgasming, as far as I know. I was never addicted to porn, and I consume it rarely, nor am I addicted to masturbation and average around 2-3 times a week.

Although, the funny thing is that I myself would like to do it more, but the climax is just so unsatisfactory that I usually end up feeling like I just wasted my time. I generally don’t get really horny any more, either. I wouldn’t say that I have ED, but it’s very rare for me to have a boner from natural causes.

Otherwise, I think I’m pretty healthy as I do sports 4-6 times a week (Cardio and Gym) and my nutrition is well-thought-out and pretty balanced.

Does anyone of you know what possible fixes there are to my problem because it is bugging me quite a bit. Thanks!

1 comment
  1. Have you ever taken any medications that have sexual dysfunction as a potential side effect?

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