What helps you alleviate Knee Pain?

  1. BPC subcutaneous injections into my knee for meniscus pain.
    Bpc is a peptide with not lots of testing and what not but it’s done wonders on my knee and shoulder injuries.
    Do some research

  2. Weight loss, strength training, proper treatment of existing injuries, there are medications/localized injections, a lot of different things.

  3. I get occasional pain as a result of tearing my quad years ago… mostly just rest, elevation, and some stretching exercises that I was taught in physical therapy.

  4. I started having less knee pain when I started running and hiking. Strengthening the leg muscles means your body is better able to absorb the shock of impacts which means you should generally have better knee health.

  5. For anything to do with tendons tears ect I’d highly recommend bpc 157. Alot of sports have banned it but it’s 100% safe look it up, it healed my teared rotator cuff in a month and fuck did I really do damage

  6. Assisted squats (and then moving on to move full squats) has helped mine. Like grab a counter or the sink hold on to it and do as full a squat as you can (like the way little kids can) but just as far as you can. Then use the counter to help (only as much as needed to not hurt) pull yourself up. This will help strengthen the smaller stabilizing muscles. My knee pain was caused by weakness in the inside part of my leg so it was pulling weird.

  7. I drink twice as much water as I need and half of it has electrolytes added in. Only thing that helps my knees and other joints.

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