We were going on dates and I just wasn’t feeling much for him or wasn’t too sure what I wanted to pursue with him. That’s the honest truth. But I wanted it to work so badly because how amazing he is. I started creating distance to see how I felt and he kept pulling me in even closer. A a a result, it made me pull away from him even more. Once I finally told him how I felt, I felt way more comfortable around him again and we agreed to be friends. This is very recent by the way. Now I’m here thinking about him, thinking about what I may have missed out on, missing talking to him, when just a few weeks ago that’s all I wanted- distance from him. Now that I have it I can’t help but want to hang out with him, talk to him, see what he’s up to, how he’s feeling. I’m hesitating because I don’t want to hurt him by starting this back up again considering how I felt a few weeks back. I just miss him though 🙁 thoughts and advice Reddit?

  1. It sounds to me like you’re feeling bored and lonely, but don’t consider this guy to be your ideal partner. If you did, I believe you wouldn’t have left him back then, since he is still the same person. Unless *you* have changed as a person from that period of time until now, I don’t see your feelings towards *him* as a person truly changing, rather than your loneliness and longing for an ideal partner leading you to consider settling for something you find less than ideal.

  2. Please for the love of all birds of prey…leave that man alone

    Figure out what you really want before you look for someone else too, don’t just “vibe it out”…wastes so much time for men and women

  3. You might look into avoidant personality type. You may have issues with commitment that you need to look at fixing before trying to date.

    Definitely leave this guy alone until you do some inner work.

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