I met him a little over a year ago. we really clicked and started texting each other like every day…but I never for the life of me thought he was romantically interested in me. I guess bc he’s younger than I am, i just assumed he wouldn’t be (i know that’s stupid looking back on it).

i genuinely thought we were friends, so one day i was telling him about a bad date I went on.

After this, he slowly stopped talking to me. it really hurt my feelings bc i thought we were friends.

i reached out to him and he said he was just busy…but idk. it just seems all the sudden. my only theory is that maybe he was interested in me at some point, but idk if that’s giving myself a little too much credit lol. maybe he really is just busy? i haven’t talked to him in over a week and since we live far from each other it’s hard to see him IRL. Thoughts? Should I just leave him alone?

TLDR: guy friend slowly stopped talking to me after i mentioned going on a date. what should i do now?

  1. >what should I do now?

    Emulate Elsa and let it go. Guys who are only “friends” with you because they want to get in your pants are bad friends.

  2. Leave it alone. If he really is just busy, he’ll get back to you and you can continue the friendship as normal. If he doesn’t, then it’s sad, but he wasn’t really your friend and he didn’t have the courage to be honest with you, so there isn’t much you can do about it.

  3. He wasn’t really a friend. As crappy as that is to hear he was in it for something more and it makes sense that he should back off if you’re not interested

  4. Pretty clear he was at least crushing on you. Maybe working up the courage to say something…

  5. Question is, how do you feel about him? Are you open to anything other than friendship with him?

  6. Yeah, liked you and wanted you. But what i think is weird (from a man’s perspective) is why he went a whole year without communicating or hinting his interest to you? Or maybe he did but you didn’t get it?

    Anyways, most men, if you’re physically and personally attractive will most likely want more than friendship from you as a woman, whether it’s friends with benefits or a relationship. That’s the reality. That’s nature. We’ve seen far too many reddit posts by now about men, and even some women, but mostly men who end up wanting their female friend, and still people choose to stand by “Men and women can be friends”, yes they most certainly can, but in most cases ONLY if they’ve known eachothers from childhood were their platonic friendship has been built over years, but not in cases where both are grown, single and attractive…If you want a friendship with a man going forward then make it clear from the start.

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