
  1. It’s a long shot, but not impossible. If you got the looks, the style and good hygiene, maybe a girl will strike a conversation. Sometimes, cute awkward guys with no game have some charm so own up to what you got packing brother.

  2. Actually they are found themselves…
    One day some crazy girl will see you and take u with her…🤣
    That’s true… Very active people, find their peace in more calm persons…

  3. Per your post history you HAVE a gf (even though it is on the rocks)…

    And all your posts come across very desperate, in a sense. Have you looked into prof help?

  4. Yes, most likely. I’m extremely shy and I don’t talk a lot, I ended up finding a guy who has been very understanding. I met him through a mutual friend.

  5. Depends on if they’re a nice, guy, or a ‘nice guy’.

    Just because they’re a nice guy, doesn’t mean they’re a good man.

  6. Yes! Don’t know your age, but women get fed up with bad boy losers after awhile and long for a stable nice shy normal guy like you wouldn’t believe.nor if you’re gay. Men do too. As long as with your partner you communicate, respect her, take an interest in her, and she/he is a decent mature person, you will find someone before you’re 35 or 49. It’s gonna happen. Stress over finances, arguing, toxic behavior, etc..gets real old real fast.

  7. r/niceguys basically don’t be this and you will most probably find someone

  8. Introverted men are my weakness but they always lead me on because they’re just nice/shy by default. I can never tell if they’re actually interested in me. I met this really sweet guy and talked for awhile. I wanted to wait for him to express interest in me first but figured yknow, he’s shy. Plus women are encouraged to take the first step nowadays. He rejected me and I’ve been kind of wary ever since, I thought we really had a deep connection. Nowadays I just don’t actively pursue them anymore to avoid heartbreak tbh

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