What is the worst feeling?

  1. When someone you like says that something came up and cancels and you find out after that they canceled to make plans with someone else.

  2. I realized I never ordered a butterfly valve until the week before it was supposed to be installed. 16-18 week lead time.

    Nearly shit my pants.

    Thankfully was able to steal one from another project but damn, I do not think I have ever been that stressed in my life.

  3. Knowing the people who did you great harm(emotional and mental harm, not bodly harm) walk and party and laugh without a care in the world. To know that they are out there, happy and perhaps fucking over other dumbasses like you, knowing you have no idea how or means by which to take revenge, to have to live with a lust for justice that won’t come.

  4. The worst feeling for me is completely falling in love with someone who doesn’t want to be with you.

  5. Thinking about cringey shit I did/said in the past. It hits the hardest when I’m high.

  6. When you’re friend is bleeding out and you can’t stop it even though you’re the one trained to prevent loss of life.

  7. When somebody makes an attempt to kill themselves and you save them, but then they hate you for it.

    This happened with my mom. She’s bipolar, depressed, and has an anxiety disorder. One night she got in a big fight with my stepfather and later got mad at me as well for no reason. After a swift argument with me she said “you know what!” And she walked into her bedroom. I hear her open her nightstand. I knew she had a handgun in there, so I sprint in and leap at her disarming her. Luckily I knew gun safety and unloaded it and hid it. She started crying and said she hated me for stopping her. She told me that I didn’t care about her at all. So I told her, “then why did I stop you from killing yourself.” She cried more and after a long night she finally went to bed.

    The next morning I woke up, and politely said good morning to my mom. She ignored me for the entire week.

    This happened a few months ago, I’m sixteen and she is better now, but is still dangerous.

  8. #Almost getting hit in the nuts, I’m talking X narrowly misses your family jewels by centimeters, so much so that you feel the literal swoosh of air. An overly creative or imaginative mind will imagine how
    much it could have hurt, creating an illusory phantom pain. Not the worst of the worst, but it’s up there.

  9. Emotional: Someone telling me I’m a bad husband.

    Physical: The worst I’ve experienced is dropping a full roll of duct tape on my 4th and 5th toe

  10. As a closeted gay man, being in love with your best friend who is straight and flirts with me but as a joke. And would never think of me romantically. Hurts me 😢

  11. When you give everything to be successful or better yourself and still not achieve. It’s worst when your friend does the same thing and they become successful.

    My dad says in life there are people who stick their hand out and get all the sweets in their hand while people like us have to crawl through mud and challenge relations to grab half the amount of sweets.

  12. You know that moment went you read messages that your girlfriend who you’re madly in love with sent to another guy saying “r*pe me babe please” ?

    Yeah.. I’d have preferred not to experience this one.

  13. Shittin yourself in front of a pretty girl. I did it all methed out wen I was younger I was trying to tap it. Had been up for days and it just crept up on me . I cringe wen j think about it. I wasn’t real body aware in those yrs. Terry bul

  14. The one when you realize that what you dreamt of growing up is just that, a dream, and that reality isn’t as kind or centered on you than what you were told it would be growing up.

    People talk about having existential crisises in their 30s, they forget the one you get in your early 20s when the idea of your “childhood” completely and irrevocably becomes only a part of your memory

  15. While it (fucking thankfully) hasn’t happened to me, I think the worst feeling would be the feeling of knowing you were the indirect/accidental cause of your child’s death, or knowing your child is dying but being unable to do anything about it.

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