I’m wondering if there’s any concrete steps I can take to develop self esteem/self worth or self love? I experience things where people just don’t like me and I know if I learn to love myself it shouldn’t bother me but I’m wondering how I can do this?

I don’t want to be relying on people for my happiness and sense of self because as experience has convinced me people will always let you down and the only person who will 100% be with you all of the time is yourself. Any advice would be appreciated.

  1. Begin by working on developing your mind/body.

    Workout. Eat right. Get plenty of sleep. Drink water and meditate.

    Let those become your baseline habits.

    Then in your freetime, work towards improving personal skills/hobbies, and potentially finding others with similar interests.

    It’s not a complicated road map, it just takes dedication and work.

    There will be days you struggle. Push through. Real character development and gains are made when you fight through the hardship.

  2. Another advice is to work hard and take pride in your achievements, however small they might be. It’s an incremental process. You will begin to associate your success with greater self-worth. So whenever you feel down, you look at yourself and see that you have accomplished certain things. And it’s an objective metric of your self-esteem.

  3. The best advice I can provide you with is to have convos with random people as much as you can. It honestly is pretty fun to talk with strangers IRL and talk about their day.

  4. It depends on what else is going on psychologically with you, but if you don’t have trauma or more complex diagnoses, you can try sending yourself loving-kindness. Anytime you find yourself feeling low or being critical with yourself, say this mantra mentally: “may I be content, may I be well, may I be at peace.” You don’t have to try to feel anything, and don’t expect an immediate shift, but keep at it daily and you’ll notice a shift at some point.

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