I just don’t. Never have. I’ve never had sex either. The only sexual experiences I’ve had are when my female coworkers would grab my butt and crotch as a joke buy other than that, nothing. I can’t tell you why. I just don’t. The idea isn’t gross I just don’t necessarily care to do it. I clean down there but nothing else. I’ve never orgasmed. It just sounds like it hurts and I feel uncomfortable with the idea of my penis doing something like that. I just wanted to vent because my friends called me the f-slur today when they saw I didn’t catch onto sexual jokes.

  1. You may be asexual dude. Also maybe get better friends, that is really messed up and uncalled for for them to call you the f-slur.

  2. I don’t know where you got the idea it’s painful from. It’s not painful, maybe when you’re bored one day you should explore down there, gently stroke it. If you don’t like it then you haven’t lost anything but at least you will know for sure.
    You could maybe ask a doctor or sex therapist they would know more than people on the internet.

  3. You seem like you’ve got some shitty people in your life. There’s nothing wrong with you or your feelings about sex.

    Your female coworkers shouldn’t be grabbing you anywhere “as a joke”. That’s not a sexual experience that’s someone not respecting you and your bodily autonomy.

    And your friends sound like immature asshats. I’m assuming they’re the same age as you and 26 is old enough to know better than to sling the f-slur around as an insult. You don’t need those clown balloons in your life.

  4. Hey man, everyone has their first time at some point. Yeah you may be a late bloomer, but once you do try (if you decide to, no pressure obv) you’re gonna discover a whole new world you’ve been missing! An orgasm will never hurt. Quite the opposite tbh, unless you have some crazy underlying medical condition. Great stress reliever as well, many use masturbation to blow off some steam, totally normal.
    My advice is, once you get some alone time, get comfy in bed, turn something on tv, but nothing too interesting that you’ll start paying attention to, and just start feeling around, grab it and move your hand around untill you feel something you like, and go from there! Don’t have to reach climax your first time, just start slowly and see how you feel!

  5. being asexual is totally fine, but have you really never climaxed at the age of 26? not even a wet dream? I’d get checked out by a doctor, as it might be health-related. but in the meantime, you don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with and people who call you slurs aren’t your friends.

  6. Your female coworkers should absolutely NOT be grabbing your butt and crotch, even as a joke. That’s sexual assault and its not okay. You should complain to management.

    And it sounds like you need some new friends.

  7. Everyone is saying asexual, but have you had your hormone levels checked? In the modern world men’s testosterone has plummeted, so this could be a factor. If you were truly healthy, all hormones are normal, good sleep, good diet, no unresolved trauma and you still had no desire then maybe you can slap an asexual label on it.

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