Hi there!

Welcome to our daily scheduled post, the **Daily Slow Chat.**

If you want to just chat about your day, if you have questions for the moderators *(please mark these \[Mod\] so we can find them)*, or if you just want talk about oatmeal this is the thread for you!

Enjoying the small talk? We have a Discord server too! We’d love to have more of you over there. Do both of us a favour [and use this link to join the fun](https://discord.gg/BTX7cK3R4k).

The mod-team wishes you a nice day!

  1. Do any of you need to read through CVs/ job applications as part of your work?

    I am doing that a lot at the moment,as usual at this time of year.Lots of recruitment going on now.

    Most of them follow a kind of ‘standard format’ and are obviously generic rather than tailored to the job they are applying for,but there are also some interesting and even some very strange ones!

    I have to say its not a part of my job that I enjoy very much…

  2. I have tickets to an NHL game they’re playing in my city as part of some NHL Global thing, and I only now realised I have tickets to a couple of concerts the same night. So now I can’t go watch the game. 😢

    I guess Patrik Laine is hurt anyways, but still, top level sports like that rarely is played here. Not that our own hockey league isn’t good, it just for sure isn’t NHL.

  3. I have noticed a parallel between my favorite works of fiction… I like stories where not a lot happens. The beginning of the Fellowship of the Ring that people skip during rereads is my comfort read. My favorite manga is “The Lonely Gourmet”, which is basically about a guy who goes to restaurants by himself, eats different stuff and describes the food and surroundings in great detail. I love Anton Chekhov’s short stories, the prose is absolutely beautiful, and they describe snippets of life so well, but they don’t really have a plot. I prefer character studies and big, cosy vibes. I dislike drama and angst and contrived conflict.

    That’s it 🙂

  4. How is it in Finland i am churious,what are the inflated prices and how is it in the country generaly(people)?

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