there is a person who i always talk to and try to encourage because i think they have low self esteem but i see potential in them. they like to talk about themselves and i always enjoy listening to them to understand their opinions. bottom line is i try to be gentle with them and ask about things going on in their life. but lately theyve seemed to start asking me about events i attend or saying encouraging things to me too. this is not like their normal personality so i cant tell if they are doing it because they want to be my friend or if they are making fun of me

edit to add: I don’t expect or want them to ask about me. i am perfectly fine being in the background and i genuinely enjoy listening to them talk bc they are a good story teller

  1. It’s hard to gauge from just what you’ve said, but have you considered that they’re simply asking you the questions you ask them because they enjoy hearing the answers, and also want to get to know you? I remember once I was in a situation like the person you are describing. When you talk about yourself a lot to someone, you inevitably become curious about the other person too, or feel strange that they know so much about you and not the other way around. At least that was the case with me. Also, generally, mirroring isn’t always because someone likes you. Some people do it out of habit, others because they want you to like them. Or you could be right, they could be making fun. I’d say trust your gut on it

  2. When I spend a LOT of time with someone I really connect with, I unconsciously integrate the parts of their personality I like most into mine. With me it’s more humor based, and storytelling styles.

    So my assumption is they aren’t aware they are doing it and is a sign they like these aspect about you. Could be wrong though.

  3. Mirroring is often done subconsciously but usually indicates that the person likes you to some degree. While it is possible that person could be making fun of you, I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Unless you catch the person snickering or being two-faced, then it sounds like you two will become good friends.

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