I’ve been single for almost a year, and was previously in a relationship long enough that I’ve forgotten how to flirt (not that I was good at it to begin with). I keep missing opportunities to show interest but I have no idea what to say without coming off as too forward.

  1. I think was really helps is to just forgo the idea of “flirting” and approach the individual like you’re trying to be their friend. At a baseline that’s what sparks friendships and romantic relationships right? Attraction. You are attracted to this person for a reason. So your initial thoughts may be “Wow this person is attractive to me and I’m interested in them.” Your approach then can start with “I want to get to know them better.”

    In the case of the grocery store clerk, like someone else said, the reciprocating smile + small talk (“How’s the shift today?” “How’s your day going?”) can go a long way. If she she has a name tag, notice it and when you leave use her name. “Thanks. Have a good day ____!” People love hearing their name. 🙂 who knows? A couple more visits, small chit chat here and there, maybe she’ll break the ice or maybe you will! Good luck my friend!^^

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