I’m mid-twenties, virgin, chubby female, and I can’t do the dating app thing. I mean, I can, but it kinda sucks. A lot.

I- I want to meet people organically I guess? But given the situation it’s hard and all my friends are either very single or very married so I gotta go out into the big world alone 😭 the problem is I’m a little introverted and don’t drink alcohol. Like my tolerance is so low, and I don’t feel safe going out at night clubs and stuff alone. Plus I feel like it’s quite rare for being to chat other people up during the day time 💀

So I was thinking of being more proactive and if I see a cute guy I’ll go up and try talk to him! But I worry it’ll be creepy or they reject me really harshly 🙃 idk I hope they’ll be flattered but I don’t even know how to flirty chat someone. Like I’m a mix of determination and ahhhhhhhhhhh I wish to drown in a puddle.

If your a guy what would you think is a non awkward nice way for some (not necessarily attractive to you) girl to chat you up?

  1. Just go up and complement the guy, or make an observation about something. Talk about his laptop, watch, shoes, clothing, etc. If he wants to engage, he’ll be open to keep talking. If he’s not interested, he’ll thank you for the complement and then go back to whatever he was doing. 2 seconds of awkward silence is enough for you to make a tasteful retreat.

    Guys know the pain of rejection when they approach women, so they’ll usually be nice to you about your attempt. That being said, you can come across an a——, so be warned.

    I’d actually hit up your ‘very single’ friends and see if they’ll bring you out for drinks. You don’t need to drink alcohol, you can order soda at bars.

  2. Since you’re a girl you don’t even need to put too much into the approach. All you have to do is… talk to a guy. If he’s into you, there’s a good chance he’ll take the lead and start the flirting.

    Also if you’re not a bar/club person, I wouldn’t do clubs and bars, because the guys you meet there are most likely into… going to clubs and bars.

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