How are you going to indulge yourself this week without any guilt or pressure?

  1. I finally got a PS5 so I’m gonna play Red Dead Redemption 2 again, Cyberpunk again, Returnal and The Quarry.

    Gotta hit the gym first before I play video games tho. A rule I made for myself.

  2. I’d like to draw all Friday evening and get some take out! We’ll see if I make other plans tho.

    I really had to think about this, so thank you for forcing me to work in my selfcare lol!

  3. I’m going to go to a bunch of concerts with some of my favourite bands, have lots of drinks and eat lots of good food.

  4. I always have new books from the library. Right before bed is my reading time. Also bought myself a pair of silver bamboo hoops I’ve wanted for a while. They’re bold and beautiful and I love them.

  5. I’m reading this for ideas incase I start dating again. Thanks for the tips yall lol

  6. Gonna buy myself a Toyota Highlander with all the fixins. Well, a Limited one so not all the fixings, but close. Also gonna wear nothing but Oroblu tights this week $26 vs $3 hehe.

  7. This past week has been challenging but productive for me, I’ve faced hurdles but also worked real hard. I have 4 different things coming up requiring a Halloween costume so I’m going shopping to try and find something appropriate for all of them (hopefully one or two things I can rewear)

  8. Whatever Halloween candy, beer, or dessert makes its way to my hands, I will absolutely be consuming it.

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